hellahana's manga / #Sports(12)


Complete | furudate haruichi | 2011 released

Aku x leh wehhhh, season 4 haikyuu hit different. Mungkin antara satu sebab ialah art dia. Studio lain, right. And..... Kita, I mean aku x mampu baca muka Hinata. Art yg sebelum ni, dia lebih rough tapi kalau season 4 ni. Dia lebih...... Macam x cukup modal pulak (aku ni pun satu, x bersyukur haram jaddah ptui). Lagipun aku rasa sejak ii season 4 ni, banyak org x berapa ngam ngan Hinata. Yaa aku antara salah seorang tu. Dia rasa annoying but at the same time aku (x pernah lagi baca awal ii manga, just start habis ii season 4. 360+ lebih kot chapternya. So aku x berapa tau plot asal dia camna?) Paham jaaa why dia macam tu, that's his personality deal with it. Kalau dia buat something yg kita suka. Punya memuji, whip dikatakan. Tapi bila dia buat sesuatu yg x menenangkan, kita pun start mixed feeling.... Sedih do kalau ada perangai cam Hinata. Well I looked up to him. I like him. Inspired to be him? Aku suka yg outgoing ni, yg carefree. X payah pikir apa benda dh. My upmost desire adalah benda yg currently don mata aku. Ayooooo bm aku fail. Bi pun fail. Pernah x rasa hilang jati diri sebagai rakyat _______? Sebab terlalu over speaking. Or you just want to out from this hellish country as soon as possible. Gov kita bukan teruk sangat pun, tapi tu lah. Masalahnya hak aku sebagai manusia je lahhh. Where??? Nk letak celah mana? Lama kelamaan kantoi. Sakit hati weh. Aku bencilah. Cakap pasai haikyuu sudahlah, nk bawak masuk hal diri hg pasaipa So.... Aku reread balik and I found out, aku skip half nekoma vrs karasuno match dhlakkkk dri 293 sampai 360+ x gila kaaa, aku ingat lagi satu scene ni, dia kata "the longest rally" dlm tournament tu I think and melebihi 2 jam setengah. That is some crazy shit I ever heard. Oklah 2 setengah tu bukan aku nk kata basic but maybe because they are in hs, gila lah jugak. Lupaaaaaa patutnya reread dri nekoma punya, ini ada start dri kamomedai punya match. Aku rasa everytime aku reread, mesti aku start dri kamomedai. Rugiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Best giler weh, aku cukup suka Brazil arc. Ni pun aku buat plan, after setel semua season and read this one special ff, aku nk terus sambung manga. Disebabkan aku literally skip nekoma, aku seriously ingat depa dh animated nekoma match scene Weh, Haram. Jaddah, aku punya tulis sampai 4 perenggan tetiba hilang? Penat tau dk perah otak, aku bukan selalu nk cakap songsang. Only in mangago so why......? Aku penat wei, aku nk teriak. Aku sedih. Aku bangga, aku mampu let apa yg aku pikir into word. Bukan senang, so macam mana boleh hilang??????? Aku terdelete? Aku rasa aku ada fix something but x kan aku tercrop pulak? And then aku submit??? Apa ni, aku x kan lupa weh oasia benda ni tertanam dlm hati aku, it's not like aku x maafkan diri ni but just.... Sakit, penat aku tulis, penat lelah aku. Perit but x seteruk sampai aku clench tangan di dada. Just disappointed Bodola aku ni, buat apa pi complain. Now aku nk baca pun x tenteram. Rasa bersalah satu, rasa teracat akal dua, rasa berat hati tiga, rasa x puah hati empat. OMG HAHAHAHA SO SUGA X SEMPAT DPT KAGEYAMA'S AUTOGRAPH KAAAAA?????

SK8 the Infinity

Ongoing | Utsumi Hiroko,koujima kazuto | 2000 released


Complete | furudate haruichi, komi naoshi | 2012 released

Dance Dance Danseur

Ongoing | Asakura George | 2000 released

Omg now that I think about it, his name literally has "jump" in it nothing exaggerated but I kinda dumb sometimes. I felt off saying his name, just how much _____ I need to be. The anime ends at chapter 51 but... I want to see his longer hair animate I bet it would flow fluffyly Ahh my bad... It's junpei, not jumpei. Mann I mispronounce you aren't I? Yes you did... That was bad. Bad me. Lmao let me just; After a year, or two? They came back!!! Thanks for translating I forgot they're in Japan lol I was like why would natsuki used Japan tournament as a gate. Lmao they're japanese Junpei damn chill you scared tf out of me. Pls oh god, I'm so used to his child likeness that when he's all grown up. He's... Who are you? Also I saw the raw. The moment I laid my eyes, I know that's you. What are you doing in a hotel room w a girl? God why am I even asking. Obviously idk japanese but they were confronting each other I guess and what if that girl is naoki(?) This is a story about a guy's growing up. Coming of age story. He was once a young boy. Currently a teenager and growing into an adult. Idk what kind of adult he would grown to be. I saw raw, chapter which hundred? Man I was shocked. Just pls don't make people preggo and doing crime or I'll kill you I think I'll drop this. Maybe after he's in his twenties, I'll read it again. It just, I might be a girl but it just so fucking frustrated to see him being like this. Oh god, I love him more when he's a child. I know love is everything but junpei dear listen. You can't force a relationship. And you need to find a friend. A friend to go through everything together. It's hard seeing you like this. You might become a predator in the future. I'm not saying from the ballet perspective but as you as a whole. Pls I know this is coming of age story but oh god, you're troubling me. Bye until next time

Ballroom E Youkoso

Ongoing | takeuchi tomo | 2011 released

I've done the impossible... Never thought I'd read this. I love sport, watching it is fun. Getting to know the rules, the struggle. Is fun. But I'll never be like those people. I join volleyball club bcs hinata. It's amazing when you know what's going on in the moment. Some people just applaud without knowing a thing. And helping people when they don't know the term. Hilarious. It's fantastic. Anyways, his hair in the cover taunted me, I want to read this but the hairrrrr lmaoo his hair is not the problem but my heart. Quite stubborn lol Hi an edit from my irl. Tahun ni x dpt masuk volleyball sebab dh full.... Harre geng trio aku, sorang ja dpt volleyball yg aku and sorang lagi member ambik bola baling. Sorry but bola baling is lame and boring af aku join sport ni waktu middle school, aku x reti doh nk gaduh dgn org. I'm not someone that like to face to face or challenging people. It's giving nightmare. Also I have low self esteem. Wait it's a good thing I guess tapi tu la, aku x minat. X leh nk buat apa. Semahir berilmuan aku pun bola tampar x leh bawa, aku suka tgk org main. I mean aku paham kot. Benda apa yg depa tgh buat. Bola baling ni... Kejar bola and then what. Dia macam mainan budak... Wait budak pun x reti main. Idk, I'm a girl but honestly this is soooo girl sport. Idk it sounds so gedikkkk I'm sorrrrrrrrrrry. Nk kejar org la, nk jaga la, better main bola jaring oh wait, I'm not all that interested in field using court XD that's the fucking reason lol. And aku suka sukan yg clearly yk who your opponent and have your own side. Bukannnn bola baling pun ada their own side tapi cam obviously hg x leh masuk side dia. Yaaaah like that. Aku suka sukan yg ada net, clearly showing where's your place I have watched the anime!!!! Tho first ep and the last one lol I love how it were shown but one thing... Tatara eyes scared me