Moon You
Aweeeee I feel very satisfied. Okay so I was expecting him to be in his 40-50s and the food and water supply might be enough(?) Hehehe I really like the final chapter. Now that he can rest in peace, I wonder what will happen once he get laid lol. This is very good. I would honestly recommend this, 10/10 for me. I'm glad, I haven't read anything like this in a long time...? Idk out of range romance, great sense of humor XD, or maybe I should start reading stories in my native language? I have avoided it. Probably because of my hatred towards reality. However, I really liked this story so much that I was afraid I would finish instantly. Oh well, I've finished it. My path of life, where is it headed?
Omg this is bad, this is bad for my heart. Fuck why... I love this story so much, plus the characters. Hehe it's been so long since I last heard an "oikawa" lol. I love that "oikawa" so I don't know how to feel about this "oikawa". He looks like a decent guy, idk? No twist, just grudge. This is why there's a saying 'love is blind' wtf hg salah org, buat malu. Oikawa is the seme while yg jahat tu shioya babe