hellahana's manga / #Prince(10)

Kiss the Bride

Complete | ZIG,Myeolchi | 2018 released

The Royal Prince's First Love

Complete | Nan Zha Zha Zi, Hao Le Shen Wen Hua | 2000 released

May I have the pleasure, reading this my beloved He's so smooth, he doesn't even realize it god such a waste talent but not for the one. Yea sure babe, anything for you~ fck you, blooming flower Finally finished reading this story (even tho it's still ongoing) man it's been so long, I always wanted to read this story but idk why I just couldn't help but avoid this. Nooooooo sikitnyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaa chapter 76 niiiiiii, sikit gila my god. Hg nk tunjuk apa sebenarnya? Dhlah bagi kiss scene sampai 3, x pa... Kami paham. Cukuplah bagi kami. That's worth three year of living. ...love! ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ Those two sure are lovebirds we need to protect these fragile heart and soul. Let them have their own HE, I'm begging you author. With utmost respect, I love them. Never separate them ever again. I'm surrender.... argh.... sakitnya hati.... I hate when this happens, as if I couldn't distinguish between reality and fiction. This is their story, my only duty is witnessing. Oh fuck, I'm loving THIS. Ahhhh my wish... I know deep down, I want them to be together. Seeing them, all I can think is never separate them again. That's all I wish. Omg Tunan? That's a bit, wait until you're an adult. Both of you man don't don't. Never slip a hand inside someone pant alright

You Own My All

Ongoing | 绿野千鹅,普江文学城 | 2019 released

In the Name of Your Death

Ongoing | 흰울타리,두니피그 | 2019 released

I had so many thoughts while reading this, and I cried. It is indeed a flawless story. Thank god I picked this up, for the sake of mc, I could comprehend her so it's fine.

Hetare Maou to Tsundere Yuusha

Ongoing | Natsuno haruo | 2019 released
2023-02-05 14:25 marked

Libertine Prince and Captive Beast

Ongoing | Jita | 2019 released

I want moreeeeeeeeee