To Hell With Being A Saint, I’M A Doctor
Aria... She's hella gorgeous. Was about to call her a goddess but that's not the point right... mlm ni kita mkn daging ogre bakar yee, perang kehangit-an pulak tu Hmm since he... Made some misleading move and the fact he delayed- no, the god sound desperate. Maybe he's the wrong incarnation? Or he's the special one? Somehow the male lead arrived
I’m Not That Kind of Talent
My comment is gone. Well it is what it is. Oh deonnnnnnnn dear, you're always misunderstood. And being misunderstood... I'm happy I got to see you, but it's pain thinking abt your future Idk what will happen to you Deon.. I try not to think abt it. But sedih gila. I know the cause but what should I do I can't fix you. I could never. Tapi I pity you so bad. Kesian gila. Healing phase is almost nonexistent atp. He's a murderer. I hate how I love fiction so much, it became my reality.
A Trace of the Wonder
Ch100 ja aku start baca terus Um... Tadi sajala tekan ch90. Our mc baru nk dpt peace that he deserves. Also idk (obviously) how ml got a vessel for himself(?) Bukan dia just existing in a form of soul? Well tapi tu la, aku ingat ch50-70 depa, I mean mc dh settle dia punya hal but in ch90 yer. I guess memang ch100 baru aku baca
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