hellahana's manga / #Action(147)

Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Ongoing | Sing-shong,Sleepy-c (redice studio) | 2019 released

So, just to be sure. Aku nk... Pickup this story back. Hmmm nampaknya cerita ni bukan taste aku but boleh layan. Also that Kim dokja is super weirdly famous for being _________ partner lol. Or maybe, patutkah aku read the novel instead? Don't know? If aku x leh bawak manhwa, try bawak novel pulak. Edit: "that" Kim Dokja. Myself you're fucking blind. Girl didn't know Kim dokja's worth at that time so I forgive you, myself (Hmm I don't remember writing all of that, just when?) Tbh, I'm into action as of recently? Heh kenapa dgn aku ni ಥ‿ಥ the reason why I'm like that before, because I'm in literal showbiz era, idol, actor whatever you name it phase. Action yg melibatkan peperangan ni hentam x mau usha. I still layan yg system-ish tuw, best. SHEESHHHHHHHHH THE STUPIDITY IS CONCERNING. THIS IS SUPER INTERESTING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!!?? I GET THAT AKU X BERAPA FLUENT TAHUN SEBELUM NI. AKU PUNYA BACA CERITA NI SAMPAI BERPULUH CHAPTER PUN X KAN PERNAH PAHAM, THAT'S WHY I ONLY READ EASIEST STORYLINE. YG X GUNA HARAM PERKATAAN SUSAH II. GOSHHHHH AKU NK BACA DGN PRIHATIN, DGN TELITI, AKU NK TAU, PAHAM EVERYTHING WELL. X KELIRU DH. AND AFTER I FINISHED, AKU NK START BALIK NOVEL DIA DRI MULA. AND LASTLY, aku nk baca tho.... "Three ways of survival" betul x aku eja? Farewell... I'm foolishness stubborn. And harini is Sun, Aug 7, 19:41 I love you heh. Omg hello joonghyuk motherfucker, I heard a lot about you. You seems like a great partner for my dokja, OMG LMFAOOOOO STOP, YOU BITCHING ME. don't start that. dgr sini diri hg, I mean you, me, yes org yg menggomen ni. Aku nk hg layan depa leklok. X nk babying too much, they're still a person.... (Corrupt la otak aku kalau macam ni) it is weird to, you know do and say all that. Just treat them as a, idk, how dokja treat them but don't go too far off. Hilang jati diri sebagai seorang manusia yg mentally sihat nanti This babi is too handsome, I can't handle it. Hohoho I'm scared one day aku akan gunakan muka dia sebagai profile picture. And manada org teriak time baca action aku ni nampaknya ada masalah and satu lagi, kenapa aku cakap macam ni. Peliknya as if aku x bermaksud apa yg aku cakap. And that word didn't dituju kpd aku? Aku tengah bercakap tentang aku but at the same time aku x rasa apa pun. Hahaha this is a free therapy session for you, me. X sabarnyaaaaa nk hidup sendiri, I may become homeless tho, so calm, ye ler x rasa lagi. I can faintly see what's the future might hold, aku x tau la nk survive macammana. Aku akan always rasa guilty and I fucking hate it. Bukannya nk redemption or something but still terus hidup camni. Bila agaknya I can say proudly that I am... Not now, I guess. Lmao, I was wondering where in the world he get the black inner shirt. Isn't he wear white before, that tick me off and I couldn't properly read the chapter. But I forget, during fighting for his life inside that monster stomach, the acid. Yeah I forgot about the acid and a coincidence, dia singgah kedai online kottty. Ofkos he would get a proper clothes, silly me I'm sorry dokja-nim, I, myself couldn't hold myself back. I should use you as my inspiration. Paying for what I indebted... Lmaooooooo I'm just like them. Don't kill me yet. Chp 50's what I'm talking about THEY'RE SUCH A SIMP! just like me. Hohoho must be great, being able to witness a "main character".... I'm jealous asf, alright? Ok fuck, aku mengalah... His face, HIS FACEEEE OMG so handsome. Personally aku x berapa kenal who "yoo joonghyuk" actually is, so no comment. I nk cakap I hate him, but rasa bersalah pulak. Tapi if, dokja has that kind of face, ma'am I AM LOOKING NOT RESPECTFULLY IN THE SLIGHTEST IN FACT I AM DROOLING VIOLENTLY! Han Sooyoung that sexy motherfucker, I wonder if she'll be one of dokja companions? 4 minutes till 2 am. I made quite a habit, myself. Time to sleep folks. I'm finished! Ok esok you can pickup the novel you've been eager to red for some time now. Hohoho I'm excited, I wish aku dot bertahan walaupun melebihi quota bacaan aku. Fir the record, x pernah lagi baca sampai nk dkt 200 chapter. Ahhhh nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel, nk baca novel.... Aku nk baca novel dia. Astaga... Aku dh baca sampai part flag tu, yg aku x paham ya aku x leh nk sambung baca? consequence? Idk anymore... Aku x leh tengok chapter banyak ii ni, dia ketagih, stress sama, rasa best nk baca, aku kalau cuti sebulan x dk internet. Rasanya sehari tu dh habis satu novel. Baru merasa berapa bertuahnya aku dpt membaca. Seminggu break but what am I doing????? X pe la x leh paksa diri nk buat cam mane. Buzy lerrrr minggu ni, org nk rest. Today's Monday but I have presentation to make and then a date with my friend hah.... And then khamis until Sunday. Keluar.... Bukannya apa sangat pun but can I just stay at home. Stressssssssss dgn sepapat nk tidur rumah. I'm not a babysitter yk? Jaga la diri sama yes, I control diri aku time umur dia. She's so ughhhh but please don't die early. I would too if you did. Sakit kepalaaaaaaaa, rasa keras, denyut kalau suruh buat soalan math, I don't think I would be able to answer walaupun tambah darab. Feel like it could burst at any moment. And I kind of regret... I just googling why dokja hate his mother like fr. We get the gist why; the mother kill that father, based dokja memory, he get bullied a lot and on chp 122, we got to know he's alcoholic and abusive, and I did. I read the spoiler. Worst mistake ever. I thought the question has been answer in chp 122. What did I even expect? Gyarhhhhhhhh now I can't stop thinking about it. Dokja's not in his right mind when he kill the father? I need an explanation asap but that's why PI LA BACA NOVEL DIA YA ALLAH. IM CRYING My- my ship is sailing fine. I love sangah-ssi. Jung heewon the biggest simp HAHAHAH my friend think I like Kim dokja???? Of course I love him but the way she talk as if I had my eye only for dokja. I mean yes- no, lmaooooo. it just we finally have a common guy we like, that's why I love talking about him. But now she's thinking I'm mad crazy about him. Stress. Sometimes it suck like I want to talk about other character too, but she attack me with dokja. Stop it. I'm offend . Dokja wouldn't want this if he knew. This is so weird never thought 1.Aku akan ingat nama Going Pildu 2.Been so happy yg dia nasib ada kat situ 3.He's our savior lmaooooo 4.mesti gong pildu nk sesuatu in exchange haha AHHHHHHHH DADDY KYRGIOS KYAAAA I ONLY KNOWN HIM FOR A FEW CHAPTERS BUT GODDD I FELL IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT BRO IS TOO PRETTY AND HIS ATTITUDE??? TOTALLY MY TYPE AND SPOILER ALERT, LIKE DAMN I CARE "Kyrgios acts angry when he likes someone" HAHAHAHAHAHHAH DOKJAAAAA YOUUUU WAIT LET ME JUST POST THE ENTIRE SCENE. Asuka Ren spoke to me. "Ah right, Dokja-ssi. I have a question."� "Yes." "How did you gain Kyrgios' favour?" "His favour?" "I got the impression that Kyrgios liked Dokja-ssi." "…Huh?" "Kyrgios acts angry when he likes someone." [The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is listening.] That reminded me, Kyrgios treated me quite well despite me not having talent. Despite all the times he swore at me… "Dokja-ssi." I looked back at Ren's words and my expression stiffened along with the two women. The way I started tearing up, bitch I love kyrgios Comellllllah dua ekor ni haha. Serasi pulak tuw. Also the way, kyrgios slowly letting himself loooooooose AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BARU JAA OAKAI KYRGIOS AS PROFILE PICTURE TAPI!!!!! DOKJAAAAAAA WHY TF YOU LIKE TO SETAL (steal) PEOPLE HURT (heart) HUHH??? IM CHANGING INTO YOU BACK, BUT ON TOMORROW. I KNOWWWW I SENGAJA PAKAI BROKEN ENGLISH PASAL AKU SERIOUSLY BI AKU MELAYANG Kyrgios...... A man that has my heart YOO FUCKING JOONGHYUK WHERE WERE YOU Men doesn't want to admit they're already engaged but making us questioning their existence instead WEH BODOOOOOOO LET ME REPEAT MYSELF, THIS IS SUPER GOOD!!!!!! OMG I WISH I COULD READ THE NOVEL. I MEAN I COULD BUT MY MEMORY STORAGE CAN'T. I CAN'T FOCUS AND REMEMBER EVERY DETAIL THAT'S WHYYYYYYY I WISH I COULD INTERACT WITH OTHER READER AS WELL. I WANT TO- The best method while reading this is crying Hello jihye, we finally the same age and I've been waiting for this moment since I was 14 but I know damn well you'll be 17 until forever, until my death door. Yoo sangah's constellations are crazy cuz they choose their incarnation in the first day so how? How yoo sangah were destined to be strong? "STEEL SWORD!!" also that fucker, geramnya aku dgn mamat hanat tu. My war is fiction but my annoyance is real Ahh... It's happening again. I can't get too comfortable here. Once again, my comment were erased by own doing. It's a sign. I can feel that. I hate that but it is what is it. I love dokja, he brought me so many joys. And sadness. Sure I love him but I choose to stop reading his story. Im scared. I'm scared of him. He's terrible. How do you.. why do you keep damaging yourself for other.. I know it's for "" but.. arghhhhh I'm trying to perah my brain here remembering what the fuck did I just wrote before it got erased.

Solo Leveling

Complete | Jang Sung-Lak,Gee So-Lyung | 2000 released

Ah what a shame... The hype... I miss the hype on the comment section. Im pretty sure the world is currently shaking with spam. You will be miss... Rest in peace Author-nim. Your work has greatly contribute to the community and I really appreciate your time and patience working on this masterpiece. Thank you. Your faithful reader... Oh god, now that I think about it, they never meet once... That father and son duo. I wish someone wrote a ff about them reunited again. AHAHAHAHA DID I JUST THOUGHT THAT that person who just suddenly invade or been inside it is JIN WOON FATHER AHAHAHA IM SORRY, I WAS ABOUT TO BURST OF EXCITEMENT BUT MAN JUST BREAK MY HEART, when he speak in a language we don't understand... That's not him, my father in-law. Idk that man, I'm sorry. Omgggggg beru, my best boi. Omg I love him, sung jin woo that man. Remember he will always be him. His personality would never change just because he wield such power. HAHAHAHAHAH I BET HE LEARN THAT MIDDLE FINGER FROM INTERNET ALSO THAT ONE SCENE. HIM TALKING WITH JAPANESE SOLDIER HAHAHAHAH, LOOK HOW CRACKED HE IS. IM SO IN LOVE HAHAHAHAH. Swag they say, but LOOK AT HIS FACE I CAN'T. STOP. THAT WAS SO FUNNY. Chapter 165 and aku stress baca cerita ni. They do meet but never hold a conversation, I guess? THEY DO MET AHHAHAHA I JINXED IT. BUT WHY? THE ME NEVER HAD THE MEMORY OF THEM MEETING OH MY GOSH???!! STOP OR I WILL SPEAK- (haha I literally spent several minutes just to learn how to speak like the almighty Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort. Gosh me) OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMGOGMGHSJSGDJSKSKSJDJSKAK HE IS SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OMG BUT HE'S EVIL ASF. I SHOULD STOP. NO MORE WORSHIPPING. PLEASEEEEEEE BUT HE'S SUCH A BEAUT OMG. SO PRETTY I CAN'T RESIST. MY RESISTANCE LEVEL IS DECLINING OMG. Before someone misunderstood, I mean me preciously. You are talking about dragon monarch. That redhead is so flattering. It making me speechless. AND ALSO THAT BLONDE OMG, HE LOOK SUCH A PRINCE but I won't be deceived by such appearance. Man is evil and that's it. My Lord, Haul mixed with a tips of Albedo is just chefkiss. Omg jin woo with long hair???? Never thought I would need that???? Serve me with fanart you peasant. Yes, I thought jin woo still a middle schooler haha I'm sorry that's why i were so confusedandconcern. Is cha hae-in older than him? Haha lord thank you. Now let their love blooming. Oh gosh I hope jin woo will used this opportunity to live as an ordinary person that he deserves. Let him feel all kind of emotion he never. I love him, cha hae-in dear, I entrust you my fragile yet solid darling to you. Please take care of him. See ya and... I NEED TO READ FANFIC ABOUT THEIR ENCOUNTER BITCH. HAHAH GOD I LOVE ME, NO MATTER HOW MUCH I REREAD THIS, IT WOULD BRING ME JOY. I ENJOYED THIS, even though in the beginning of my reading career (lmao) aku x berapa fluent in English and solo leveling antara cerita yg aku first pick. Haha aku rasa bersyukur sesangat. Reminiscing the past is making me sad ngl. Teringat lagi time pkp,.. haha let's not go through that point shall we? Ok I'm scared, patutkah aku start baca the new serialization? Or tunggu sampai habis dulu. Aku x tau kenapa tapi aku takut I was like, isn't that D-rank guy who's brother obsessed with ranking. And I think I am correct. I guess this is from jiwoon pov when he regress And I was correct. Rip author-nim... Ha ahhh dia nampak hamoa semua. Y'all better hide tho? Mmmm I have bad feeling but we'll see. Yk you could've just end it, why would you milking it the same way as Boruto. Lol said by twitter usee Nahhh never thought this would become my comfort story. Idc if it's cliche. It's like I know jinwoo. And his hardship. It's like knowing he had a good life. I love story with a happy ending. I love story that set my heart well. Sung Jin woo is.... Pretty relatable lmao not his power ofc but the way he live his life. Idk how to say this... Even the he's op asf, he has flaws alright. Solo leveling isn't the greatest, jinwoo could've done better. Sorry no sorry. Done rereading for the fourth time I guess? Harini 18/11/23 and pls focus on your study, spm dek

The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Ongoing | barnacle,kim deok-yong , redice studio | 2019 released
2020-10-12 14:19 marked

Night Crying Crow

Ongoing | Woo ji hye,Aqua vit | 2019 released