K's secret
I liked the plot, it made sense in my head, what with the author also not leaving any plot holes (at least any I could find). HOWEVER, I have some objections. HOW DID MR KIM FALL IN LOVE WITH THE DIRECTOR SO QUICKLY? LITERALLY AFTER HAVING SEX TWICE. It felt so sudden to me, it wasn't slow burn at all. But whatever, it can be ignored. Something that rubs me the wrong way is the director's behaviour. In one chapter it was hinted that Mr Kim's previous partners were abusive (them screaming at him, hitting him, etc) and the director was like "I'm never gonna do that to you" WHEN A FEW CHAPTERS PRIOR TO THAT HE LITERALLY THREW HIM ON THE CAR AND SHOUTED AT HIM?? The director throwing him at the car like that shocked me (in the wrong way). It was horrible, and overall there were some scenes where it didn't feel consensual at all. That's all I had to say.
No Love Zone Webtoon
Honestly a nice and fun read. What ruined it for me is the beginning, cause i felt so bad for Eunkyum. he was treated so poorly, but somehow still fell for Jihyuk. Like, i get he's hot, BUT COME ON DUDE. Furthermore, the constant "no", "stop", "i don't want to" during smut is disgusting and borderline rape and it was so uncomfortable to sit through that shit and then read them saying shit like "oh he loves me so much he couldn't hold himself back" BRO YOU WERE RAPED? That mindset is disgusting and it needs to stop, it's so popular in yaois. Other than that, it was nice. Wanted more chapters, maybe their co-workers finding out their dating? That would be interesting lel. But it's fine.
The new employee
SOOO MUCH BETTER THAN NO LOVE ZONEEEE. Idk why I compared this so much to "No Love Zone" but I did and fuckkkk this is actually good. Finally a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP. Really liked the story, wanted to see more low-key. Cute office romance with a nice boss for once who ISN'T torturing the poor uke (cough cough no love zone cough cough). Jongchan helped Seunghyun with those office bastards too, and when he was unjustly rejected, Jongchan gave up his position because he knew what happened wasn't right. I liked that. I LOVED JIYEON. We honestly deserved side chapters about her and her girlfriend, but whatever.
A Pushover's Romance
NAH THIS WAS REALLY GOOD. I'm not particularly fond of the exes to lovers trope, but this shit was handled so well!!! The characters' feelings felt so real. While maybe unreasonable, they felt realistic, and they were definitely valid. Their view on their relationship was healthy and serious, which is so amazing to see. They felt in love, yk? And they, especially Jinhwan, wanted so hard to try again and this time do it right. And while they did continue to have fights, like they said they would, they still talked about it and apologized, and realised that the good outweighed the bad anyway. Most healthy relationship I've ever read so far. Absolute gold of a manga. Also, the smut was good. No rape!!!! The role-playing was cringe sorry i skipped it I can't handle roleplay. The art is gorgeous, and Minjun is so fucking pretty man. Jinhwan too but Minjun is *chef's kiss*. Loved that they also showed Jinhwan's pov.
You and I can't do this
This was so cute. Loved their progression and relationship. Even when they were just fucking, they were so healthy with each other. Definitely one of the healthiest yaoi relationship I've read. Also best office romance I've read so far, though maybe that's recency bias... Fuck Heesung. Very glad it wasn't dragged out tho. Would have been annoying. It was a sweet, cheesy, low-key cliche romance story. Loved it. I understand their mindsets and I think they're valid. Also love the juxtaposition with their past selves, like how Hyunwoo said he hated romance but turned out the most romantic of the two, as shown especially when he quit his job to be with Young-Won in Germany. However, I would have preferred if he hadn't done that. Young-Won put himself first, so why couldn't Hyunwoo do the same? I hate roleplay sex. Very realistic characters. Loved them.
The Mating Season