Love Shuttle
Brooooo. I have mixed feelings. The main couple (Taehan x Doyun) is so sweetttt. Although, based off the chapters they literally fell for each other and started dating kinda immediately even tho they were "enemies", it truly didn't feel like it. I didn't realize how quick that relationship change was, only noticed it when looking at the chapter number. And that's a good thing! It was little plot with mostly porn but whatever idc they were sweet and it was fluffy. Wishing the best for them and I def can't wait for the side stories with them and their baby. NOW. The side couple (Dojun x Jinyoung). FUCKING HATE IT. I feel so bad for Dojun. It started getting a little better towards the latest chapters of their story but it still feels like Jinyoung doesn't like him at all and is only using him. Also what the fuck is up with Dojun's brother, Do-hwa. He's fucked up. An abusive piece of shit and a rapist. It was already hard enough as it was to read with Jinyoung using Dojun for his pleasure, but now that this incest shit has also joined it's making it a lot harder. I'm holding out hope but goddamn. Hopefully Jinyoung saves Dojun, they leave, and it's proved that the love is mutual. That would be a nice redemption to their love story. That's all.
No Love Zone Webtoon
Honestly a nice and fun read. What ruined it for me is the beginning, cause i felt so bad for Eunkyum. he was treated so poorly, but somehow still fell for Jihyuk. Like, i get he's hot, BUT COME ON DUDE. Furthermore, the constant "no", "stop", "i don't want to" during smut is disgusting and borderline rape and it was so uncomfortable to sit through that shit and then read them saying shit like "oh he loves me so much he couldn't hold himself back" BRO YOU WERE RAPED? That mindset is disgusting and it needs to stop, it's so popular in yaois. Other than that, it was nice. Wanted more chapters, maybe their co-workers finding out their dating? That would be interesting lel. But it's fine.
Waterside Night
TAEJU WAS SUCH AN ASSHOLE OMGMGMGM. Genuinely of the biggest red flags I've READDDD. Realisticly speaking the things he did are unforgivable. However, reading this, and throwing my real life views aside, he had the best character development I've ever read. The author did such a good job showing that character development. The ending was CRAZYYY bro EUIHYUN GOT CRAZY OMG (ToT) TAEJU DESERVED IT BUT DAMN HE STOOPED DOWN TO THE SAME LOWWWW FR. There are definitely plot holes, but the author said in the afterword that there will be side stories, so hopefully everything gets filled in a satisfactory way there. Very happy for their baby (o´・ω・`o) Genuinely a very good manhwa. Enjoyed reading it all throughout. Loved that Euihyun wasn't a damsel in distress omega, like what's common. Had a lot of fun reading it. Comedic moments mixed into a serious/psychological premise is my all time favorite. Loved Taeju's family. Fuck Euihyun's family (except Euiyoung). Can't wait to read the side stories. * love how dull it was at the beginning and how colorful and vibrant the colors were at the end *
Can't get Caught! XXX
1. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS BRO WAS BASED OFF OF HIS CHILDHOOD CRUSH LIKE COME ONNN AT LEAST CHANGE IT A BIT (Yeah I know he didn't mean to and it was a coincidence but still ) 2. It was fast paced and obvious but it's fineeee, didn't ruin it that much. 3. Jungwoo is a golden retriever. 4. The fucking angst/misunderstanding towards the end of the main story was so unnecessary, honesty ruined it a bit. 5. Glad they got married after that, that was cute. 6. It was porny towards the end and it was so cringe omg kill meee 7. The peaches looked like cocks and I found that really funny. 8. As the story progressed (counting the side chapters) the dialogue got worse and worse and in turn cringier and cringier. 9. The side chapters were very confusing, I had to figure out myself that they were idols in another universe. Also it "introduced" a new character completely out of nowhere, so the best friend can have a love interest. That was unnecessary broooo. He didn't need a love interest and to get fucked. The last chapter from the side stories in which they got fucked at the same time was so cringe. Furthermore, I was actually looking forward to the side chapters' plot, I found the trope of the secret relationship interesting, especially when they almost got caught by the paparazzi when they were out near that river thing. But Jungwoo just proposed and it abruptly ended. 10. The part where Seeun (is that how it's spelled?) fucking kicked Jungwoo across the screen and music started playing and shit was comedy gold. 11. Still a fun read nevertheless.
Unmei-teki Lovemeter
It was sweet and healthy but goddamn did the attempted suicide catch me off guard Jesus fuck. It just happened and went and it wasn't expanded on at all afterwards, like sksisoso, bro wait I'm still shocked I felt my heart fall out of my ass. The last scene from the extras was low-key funny, I enjoyed it.
Love Me Dramatically