Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! -
I really enjoyed the original story and this was the cutest sequal. I'm so glad the author continued with this and we got to see more of their BABY!!! Overall was a very nice read.
Koiiro Soft Focus
Sequel to Tasogare. It was as good as the first!! I loved this!!!
Drugless Sex 2
I absoultely loved reading the first one, so I was super happy to see this had been uploaded. The author definitely did not dissapoint. The art was IMMACULATE as always, and the men still very HOT. I was surprised to see that this sequel only showcased one of the couples from the original, but I was happy to see it was one where the couple didn't get showcased that much. In the original, this couple didn't shine through but this has given me a newfound appreciation for them. This whole story was adorable and the ending was so amazing I was squealing the whole time. I would love to see he author continue to put out more "Drugless Sex: stuff. Overall the was a great read and I highly suggest anyone who has read the first manga to read this one.
Kimi to Natsu no Naka
Another great manga sequel to add to my "already read" list :) This was so adorable and fluffy and was a great continuation of the first story. It made me fall in love with the main characters all over again. Overall this was a great read and seriously deserves an anime adaptation.
Gift 2 - Boku no Hero Academia dj
I don't really ship Boku no Hero characters since obviously it is a shonen and NOT romance but I can respect this ship and this was such a sweet read. The first one was so adorable and this sequel did not disappoint, I absolutely adored this. I hope to see more of this in the future!!!
Sayonara Alpha Extra Edition
I haven't read the original manga in forever so I forgot about a lot of things but this wasn't bad for a sequel, I'm grateful that the author took the time to make it. HOWEVER, there are some ... very questionable things that happen both I the original and this that is just not my cup of tea. Overall this was ok and I like the art but this definitely isn't by favorite omegaverse manga.
Back to School: All Grown Up