Motto Musunde, Aite Waya
This manga is pretty mediocre. A classic straight to gay story, but overall this was pretty funny and showed a pretty decent portrayal of a healthy BDSM relationship (even though this story isn't focused very heavily on the relationship aspect of BDSM). The art overall was well done, and the author did very well with drawing bondage scenes (the proportions and positions were very realistic). All in all, this was an ok read.
Muka Tsuku Douryou to Sefure ni Narimashita
I honestly really liked this, the comedic aspect of this was FREAKING AMAZING, I laughed at something every chapter, it was great. I was not expecting multiple stories (I should start reading the tags more) but with the way the author did them I'm not mad and I was pleasantly surprised. Also can we PLEASE give the author recognition for connecting their multiple stories and making them all in the same universe canon, bc I literally SCREAMED when I realized on the last chapter. I LOVE when authors do that, it was so great and so funny because we even got to see a small glimpse of them interacting. I genuinely liked just about every story in here and I really liked how the author made each character "unique" and somewhat memorable. The art is really well done, I really like the art style and character design. Overall this was such an entertaining read and if this author continues to release more stories I will definitely read them (maybe not for the plot, but more for the comedy). I hope the author will make sequels to a few more of these one-shots!!!
Retsujo Love Cross