Song of Reverberation
Fav This is palced before the manhua(promise) B is a human who loves magic but doesn't have it T is from axata (a place where people with powers live) T is cursed by sb is meant to see her over and over again.a girl named lin lu I think B is named lin xi and is meant to be a substited for her. (When one lin lu dies another appears and this timefor the first time that person is not a girl but a boy) Lin lu was a powerfull persone who wanted to help humans ans axata people live in harmony toghater but then the poeple in power in axata dispit knowing their wrong doings didnt stop she did a spell to breack her soul into 60 peaces and go to the people she lived in orphange with so they continue her work with was intrupted by T which made her an almost shallow shell and him cursed to find her and seeing her fall into madeness and die. Lin lu was in love with sb else but got enggade with T becuase her crush didnt want to stop his family from killing and using people for power. B wasnt meant to be the next "lin lu" he was randomly selected but lin lu's 59 soul part T and B found lin lu(thought she was dead) she recalled her soul and died and T was free from the curse. They freed the power the axata locked away from hybrids and humans (the awakening in the manhua promis is this) B became a professere teaching the "new magic system"he found. That's about it. The story progression in promis was better The art was very bad at first but became vary good in the end.
How That Guide Is Loved
Not bad i liked it Since the plot was short it didnt have much weight or explantion B is a guide and T is an esper thats basicly all of the plot oh and sex
B-Class Guide
Guidverse I liked it T is an s-level esper and B is b-level guide Espers need guidness or they will go rage mode and distroy until they come down. For T guiding with others was painful until he met B. B was heart broken when he found out the esper he was guiding and in a realation with cheated and got a girl pregnant. B chaged to T's section to get away from his ex and the rumores of them. Nobody wanted to guide T becuase he used reverse-guide( instead of letting the guide give him energy slowly he suddenly took all of their energy to the point the guides passed out.) T started obsessing over B becuase his guiding didnt hurt.T listened to everything B said so they temporarly became assianed to eachother.(B didnt want it because their levels were too different) Suddenly B's ex came and the company found T some other guide which was a-level. B asked T to not be with his new-guide.(he was jelous) The ex asked B to comeback to him becuase he is doing some expriment that means espars wouldnt be needing guids anymore and compatablity wont matter.(T and B were 86% , B and ex were 70% , T and new guide "sth low dont remember ")it was a scam they know it wouldnt work T made a deal with B that if it fails they will imprint eachother"they will be the only ones that can help eachother for ever."but since T cheated and know it would fail it didnt. The ex wanted a child and was obsesst with the compatabilty % so he left B. Some other things happend and it ended so suddenly. Happily ever after B is not a weakling but I wanted him to find out that sb is telling T his every move.
Delivery Complete
Not bad i like it Its doesnt have much plot its mostly just sex T is an sctor and B is a bl novel writer. One day T will get the sex toys B ordered and the started having sex till the end chapter
Didnt have much of a plot just people falling in love an the process of it The main couple: T has a condition where he doesnt understand feelings and rarely expriencess them until he met B and fell in love slowly( actually finding out that he fell in love) and became obsessed with B and started finding out feelings and what they ment. B was originaly a T but became bottom in this relationship. B is 1 year older. Side couple: T is 5 years younger than B and was in love with him for 10 years.(didnt like them where much). T is not a creep but rather a golden retriver. B has sex casually. The other works had a lot more complicated plot but this was very light and fluffy. The first about 30 chapters were kind of cring. Even though the plot was light it wasnt childish. The main couple( i skiped the side couple ,no reason just didnt vibe with them) had a lot of character development which was written so bautifully. Loved it
Bad Friend
I liked it(fav) It was nice and had an appropriate amount of drama. T was an orphan whose father killed his mother and clan members becuase he was ridiculed for not having any power(his mother was a powerfull marshal artiest and head of the clan).B marshal art teacher took him. B mother passed when B was child and his father was so distressed that he couldnt take care of B and cuased him to have an accident so he gave him up to the marshal arts teacher. B and T fought from the moment they met( more like friends rather than enemies). One day a clan attacked the academy killing everyone .B and T were fighting and B jump to protect T cuasing him to fall in a hole( T thought B died) B found special technices in the hole and stayed there to learn them for 10 years. B came out after 10 years and found out that T joined the clan that killed everyone and is an enemy to the high master?(i dont know the name) meaning he has to kill T now. Sth happend and we find out the high master is T father and all the killings were him not T clan(the same clan his mother was incharge of) and they killed him and restore everything. B is not weak which is good. T is not a toxic pos. The plot doesnt have many holes.
Fav Real bdsm( not vanilla) There is not much drama accept for about the 20 to 30 last ch B is not a masocist but T is a sadist B is a directore in a construction and Design company and T is tha CEO of a Famous entertainment company. T wanted a relation without love becuase the last M he had tried to burn him self( Suicide) becuase T father wanted him to get married. They fall in love and explore thier desire. Sb had a problem with T so the kidnaped and hurt B but is was solved(this was almost under T's father's order)(the father didnt really tell the scretery what to do he just ordered him to break T and B up.) Side couple: T is main couple T half-brother. B is a singer in a group under main T company( side T is the group leader) They had some up and downs but I liked the main couple more. The character development was nice. Didnt have plot holes. B wasnt a damsle in distress. There were no dumb misunderstandings
Fav Will write the summery later
Dead or alive