That Sexapparition
I liked it B and T knew eachother in the previouse life. B was chosen to be the "vesele of misfortune" by people of the village.(they were just horny men that blamed consecoence of their actions on "misfortune") T was a snake spirite in the forest. Villagers were scared of the forest because of T so when they saw B going there they killed him. T killed all of them.(this was the side chapters) Main story: B started having dreams of being raped after getting a snake tatto ( in the dreams he saw snakes so i dont know if T was manipulating him for it was a symbel of his past.) T told him to come to his house and stay for a month so he could cleanse him. In the end B started to remember parts of the past and they had a happily ever after The plot could have been a few chapters longer but it still was nice
Yoosu, you shouldn't eat that!
Not bad I had a heartattack reading this. I only like it becuase B is so fluffy and cute. Translation is bad Consistancy in Story line is non-existent It had potential but didbt execute it well
The Knight's Unfulfilled Dreams
It was nice but it didnt satisfy me. The emperor and gaurds and everything all toghter was too vanilla Not bad not good
Fav Real bdsm( not vanilla) There is not much drama accept for about the 20 to 30 last ch B is not a masocist but T is a sadist B is a directore in a construction and Design company and T is tha CEO of a Famous entertainment company. T wanted a relation without love becuase the last M he had tried to burn him self( Suicide) becuase T father wanted him to get married. They fall in love and explore thier desire. Sb had a problem with T so the kidnaped and hurt B but is was solved(this was almost under T's father's order)(the father didnt really tell the scretery what to do he just ordered him to break T and B up.) Side couple: T is main couple T half-brother. B is a singer in a group under main T company( side T is the group leader) They had some up and downs but I liked the main couple more. The character development was nice. Didnt have plot holes. B wasnt a damsle in distress. There were no dumb misunderstandings
A mail from my dead lover
Not bad i liked it The plot was not bad but the charaters very too bubbly for such mature plot It would have been better if the vibes were not so childish Towards the end even the plot became childish. B's ex was killed a year ago when he got an email from him and supernatural things started happening. He went to a format like reddit telling his story and from a site where people talk anonymously met T. T is rich and younger than him. After the sn(supernatural) rhungs became bad T took B to his home. We find out there were too people huanting him. One was a weird boy B talked to out of kindness and he took it as signs of intreste the other was his ex who we though was good but turned out to be so possesive that he wanted B to die just so he would be with anybody other than him(basicly a narsisist) This all happend beacuse of B crazy parents that joined a cult who worshiped the weirdo for some resone The ex got ride of the weirdo and got closure with B. Didnt like there personality at all Wouldnt recommed reading again.
kiss on the piano
The plot is irritating Didnt read fully Dont plan to Didbt like
Behind The Scenes Scandal