99.99% Lovers
Fav T accidentaly met B and found out he is 99.99 percent combatable with him. He tricked B into falling in love with him just to have a baby and get his inheritance. When B didnt want to have sex and take things slow he will tell him that he does even love him and just wants the baby. T gave B a drug that makes his heat come sooner but didnt know how dangerous the drug is(and B body is not strong either) he will have very rough sex with him and hurted him pretty bad. B will runaway and he will findout his pregnant. T will look for him and apologise for the past and tells him to come back. At first B thought it was for the baby but soon he sees T is really sorry. The baby will be born and they will live happy ever after. The pregnancy is shown but giving birth isnt. The art is a bit weird.
Yarichin DJ Virgin Night