Lilith's manga / #shounen ai(43)

Timing (Hena & Mary Calmes)

Complete | HENA,Mary Calmes | 2000 released

I absolutly adore this one I love it There are a few plot wholes I wish it was more

Ogus's Law

Complete | shiyi ball | 2000 released

I didnt love it but i liked it alot I enjoyed the sad happy endings where one of the lovers died og old age because one was human the other was a snake Too much drama for me I dont thinkd i would read all of it again The plot ended halfway and the rest was just drama which i didnt like that much

Love me in the Wilderness

Complete | Wang tao | 2019 released
2023-09-25 22:00 marked

The plot was a bit confusing but i liked it

A Trace of the Wonder

Complete | 도해늘 | 2019 released

Fav The b is a restorer(sb who can reverse damages) The t is a shadow user( can move in darkness) The ones with powers are called awaken and all have hidden powers For the b i didnt really get it (i think its reshaping structures, breaking sth and holding it in anothershape) but the t has the power to nullify sb powers for 5 mins After using a lot of the normal power or the hidden of once there are penatlies which for everyone is different There were 2 great dungens The first killed b's parents and the second killed his friends He couldn't bear with the death of his friends so he restore there life which made them zombies He tried to kill them beacuse they where suffering but his powers would bring them back again The t found him and made a deal that he will kill one friend each time he helpes him with the recent 7 class a dungenes that have appeared In the end the b forgave himeself form making his freinds zombies and accepted the new group of friends(the guild that he fights in dungenes with) The story didnt have alot of plot holes which is good The b is powerfull but cries almost 90 percent of the time which is kind of resonable since he is super depressed. Sidecharecters had persobality which is great and there werent useless love triangles The b is a bit stupid from time to time and needs to be rescude by the t constatly, but he did save others and t several times in the dungen. We saw the fights it was just sb got hurt doing this now sex too heal which I really liked It was nice to read Overall very good.

The Law of Raising a Wolf

Complete | 梨梨圆上艹 &, 歌茗 | 2019 released
2024-05-26 17:10 marked

I hate it The charecters have zero development The story feels like it was been written by a 4 yearold on drugs The b is slow beacuse he fell sick as a child the only characteristics he has is being dumb, crying, and clumbsy. He thinks everyone is good T personality is possesive and mean thats it. T family is rich They didnt like be but suddenly do i dont fucking know it was so fucking badly written Future me Dont read this shit

Song of Reverberation

Ongoing | Xi ni,Cynnie | 2019 released

Fav This is palced before the manhua(promise) B is a human who loves magic but doesn't have it T is from axata (a place where people with powers live) T is cursed by sb is meant to see her over and over again.a girl named lin lu I think B is named lin xi and is meant to be a substited for her. (When one lin lu dies another appears and this timefor the first time that person is not a girl but a boy) Lin lu was a powerfull persone who wanted to help humans ans axata people live in harmony toghater but then the poeple in power in axata dispit knowing their wrong doings didnt stop she did a spell to breack her soul into 60 peaces and go to the people she lived in orphange with so they continue her work with was intrupted by T which made her an almost shallow shell and him cursed to find her and seeing her fall into madeness and die. Lin lu was in love with sb else but got enggade with T becuase her crush didnt want to stop his family from killing and using people for power. B wasnt meant to be the next "lin lu" he was randomly selected but lin lu's 59 soul part T and B found lin lu(thought she was dead) she recalled her soul and died and T was free from the curse. They freed the power the axata locked away from hybrids and humans (the awakening in the manhua promis is this) B became a professere teaching the "new magic system"he found. That's about it. The story progression in promis was better The art was very bad at first but became vary good in the end.

See You at the Crosswalk

Complete | Ssing Ssing | 2015 released
2024-05-30 21:56 marked

I didnt like Not intersting at all Read until ch 9 Future me dont read not worth it

Code of Silence

Ongoing | Nan Zha Zha Zi, Hao Le Shen Wen Hua | 2000 released

I liked it The story lacked a flow at yimes it felt like sth is missing between the chapers Things just suddenly happened then suddenly end It felt like stiched rather than on consistant story line T killed B's adoptive parents under the orders of "godfather" (Heads of familys are called godfather or god mother) B previesly helped T when he was hurt so when T found out that he should be killed he spared him to be even. B didnt know T killed his foster family so he went to him to become an assasen and get revange. They fall in love and fast forward the gonfather got killed by his real son( godfather save T after sb killed his parents). T's backstory:his parents got killed by assasens under the order of T's uncle beacuase T's father was a top assasen from godfathers side and his mom was the daughter of another powerfull family.he will findout later that his grandfather didnt know and it was the uncle becuase he wanted to be loved by the granfather.the uncle gor killed Fast forward after the death od godfather T will ran away with B and open a bakery. T's assasenation partner (he ran too) will find them and tell B that they killed his parents( godfathers son had his pregnant wife hostage.) B will be mad and runout.the son will find him abd b said to let him join him and kill T. He asks B to kill the pregnant wife but instead B will exchange T with her since T feels guilty for not telling the truth sooner. T will be tortured a bit while the son trains B to be a top assasen The son ask T to be B bodyguard(he likes to toy with them) and he also put a chip in B so be can track him or kill him if needed(B cant also kill the son or the chip will go BOOM killing him too) B hated T but suddenly they made up(one off the few plot holes)(T uncle was killed by one off the chips from the son and T got hurt to save B and B suddenly found out he loves him more than he hates him) Some other guy was also in the story which is semi-important.the guys family told godfather to kill B's family.when they were cought they killed themselves in jail.their son loved and hated B at the same time. With the help of thier friends and some other people they will kill the son. The other guy took over and baited B and T to the mansion.he told B to kill T but was upperhanded by the friends.he killed himself once he foundout he is so wothless to B that B wont even bother to kill him. The end I liked it becuse B qasnt damsel in distress and the drama was good but the story could have been written so so much better

Dear Brand

Complete | Man duo | 2019 released
2024-07-02 04:51 marked

Didnt read fully Discontinued