A Room Without Window
Fav T is an insane puppy and B is acually useful Liked it alot Doesnt have much of a plot beacuse it was so short Had potentail
A mail from my dead lover
Not bad i liked it The plot was not bad but the charaters very too bubbly for such mature plot It would have been better if the vibes were not so childish Towards the end even the plot became childish. B's ex was killed a year ago when he got an email from him and supernatural things started happening. He went to a format like reddit telling his story and from a site where people talk anonymously met T. T is rich and younger than him. After the sn(supernatural) rhungs became bad T took B to his home. We find out there were too people huanting him. One was a weird boy B talked to out of kindness and he took it as signs of intreste the other was his ex who we though was good but turned out to be so possesive that he wanted B to die just so he would be with anybody other than him(basicly a narsisist) This all happend beacuse of B crazy parents that joined a cult who worshiped the weirdo for some resone The ex got ride of the weirdo and got closure with B. Didnt like there personality at all Wouldnt recommed reading again.
Red Mansion
It was so fucked up and they were both crazy But i acually liked it It made feel the same way as sadistic beauty side story
It would have been nice if it was longer but it plays to much in the stereotypes Meh But not bad i liked it
How To Kill Love