Kyuuketsuki ha shinzo no yume wo miru
Meh Not for me Too dramatic and short
Demise Tutor
I liked it T was human and B is a vampire that turned T to a vampire and they left to live a new life. That pretty much it
Not My Blood
Meh Didnt like it very much It didnt have any depth to it and the characters were so bland The specials are weird as well B is a human with severe anemia and has a rare kind of blood which has a high Compatibility for vampires T is a vampire who mached with him T took care of B and helped him with his illness and stoped other vampires from experimenting on him because of the rare blood type I dont know what the fuck is happening in special chapter Do not recommend reading again
Blue Blood Vampire
Not bad The ending was nice and the storyline wasnt stereotype but i though B would be a power bottom he was not. It is short so doesnt need a summery i can just reread it. Was a bit too dramatic and a bit cringe
Sleepless Night
It wasnt bad and the plot had a lot of potential but was exacuted very badly Moved very fast and the B was somehow the best assasen and a weak babyboy at the same time B family was killed by vampires. B became a hunter and went undercover to kill T. He fought T was a human but he was the vampire king and a chairman(shows that a teenagers wrote this
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