Six Sense
Fav B is numb. He doesnt fell, smell, or taste. When he opened up to his ex about it he did all kinds of rough bdsm to him and constantly told him he is weird and they are perfecr for eachother. When B broke up with him, he raped him. T and B met in highschool and started dating. Slowly T realised that B never opened up to him and he doesnt accually know anything about him. He confronts B and after a bit of drama B opened up and said he was scared that T would leave him. (Sth that B constantly said to T was that he smells good and when T found out his numb he fought it was a lie but then B told him that his is one of the only things he can feel and he didnt want to lose him) They opened up to eachother and for the first time B smiled in the last chapter. Loved it. The drama was a bit overwhelming but the flow was beuatiful. It felt like a heavy and light read at the same time. A perfect yet not overlycomplicated plot that was exacuted so flawlessly
Underneath It All, Ren Is a Woman
Not bad i liked it The plot was meh B liked wearing lingerie and T was liked how he looked in them. Pretty much it Nothing more just lingerie and sex
Fill Me With Love 'Til I Can't Live Without It
Dreaming Vampire
The plot is cring like all black and white bl but was a very nice art style Not bad I liked it
Love Level Up
Didnt read Discountinued
Sugar Dog Life
I really liked it So fluffy Acually im fav this
Komochi Host no Kiken na Rinjin
Not bad i liked it
To Take An Enemy's Heart
I will summeries later
Walk on Water