Non-Refundable Alpha
Didnt like it No plot just sex The plot is so wierd Never read again
Final Stop
Like it Mpreg The plot is so steriotype but at least the emotions and charecter developments are not bad. T parents were killed by B father which was paid by T's uncle. T wanted to take revenage on B. B father went into dept by gambling and then died when he murder T's parents and set their home on fire. B lived with his grandpa and when he died B started to work 3 jobs to pay the dept. T paid it and asked B for sex as payment for the money(becuase he thinks B knew about his fathers doings) B found out how they met and why T is hurting him but didnt confront him because 1.what is he suppose to do when he didnt do anything even apolagysing would be useless and 2.he still would have the dept. B found out he is pregnant and over a misunderstanding he ran away. T went to look for him when B got kidnaped by T's uncle. B ranaway from T's uncle and got stabbed to save T and lost the baby. Now B was mad at T telling him that his revange is complete and he lost everything even his baby. After some talking and other things thay madeup get married and have 2 children
I liked it Mpreg T and B met because their parents married eachother. When B was young he picked a lot of fights and one of them blinded him in his right eye. B was a beta at first but became an omega. T mother was a powerful woman but since his father was always at work the mother abused him to make him perfect and lost his custedy to the father after trying to strangle T. B found out he is pregnant. The same time T's mother secretory came to himand told him his mother wants him to recive everything she has as an apology and T accepts becuase he wants power to protect B. B was trying to abort the baby so that the baby wont get in the way of T succes but T found out about the pregnancy and stoped him. The person who blinded B in one eye was obssest with him becuase B saved him in the past.He kiddnaps B and tries to rape him but T will save him and I think the stalker will kill himself. They will live happily ever after since then. The baby is in the special. I faved it becuase B is not a weak helpless baby. The story was good but i belive it had a lot of potential it could have been more. Still decent though
Raising Beta
Too fucked up T wanted to be the only one B has so not only he paid others to bully him and not be his freind but on top of that he killed B's parents. B has a weak heart so he takes pills but the pills that T gives him are not for his heart.they are for changing him from a beta to an omega. I might have read it if it was more and B would find out and get revenge but these kinds frustrate me.
Smyrna & Capri
Fav Lovely lovely art B is a powerful family's head. T is the prince of the country that B country is in war with. B family had a costume that sb from thier blood line will be chosen to carry the next heir. This time it was B so they gave him a fruit that will temporarly turn him to a semi-omega. From all the nobel familys only T (prisoner at this time) was able to make him pregnant. The king is afraid of T's bloodline( he is a powerful dragon) so he tried to make him miscarry.(didnt work) Some time later B mother came an told him he has let go of T for the sake of T and baby.but she hoped he would runaway with T(B did) The will reach neutraul teritory (it belongs to the uncle of T.) B will give birth( they lay eggs after 7 months and the egg will be incubaited for 2months)then will imidiatly get pregnant again( this never happened after a semi-omega gives birth). B will not tell T so he doesnt get burden and leave to lead an army so the can kill the king. B and T will go to the war toghter and they won and the second son became king and restore peace. B gave birth to twins this time. In the end B stayed the family head and T became the king of his country and everymonthe he comes to see B and the three kids. I loved it. It was so beautiful.all of it was gorgouse.
The Essence
Very nice Too short Liked it B is an omega after his big brother died he had to pretend to be an alpha and bring an hier so he can be the next head of the family. T is disguised as a perfume maker and gives B alpha phermons but in reality is a very powerful duke and no one except the royal family seen his face. T liked the smell of B phermones and tried to make it but failed so asked B to marry him.( be asked before to fuck him so he can bring an heir.)
99.99% Lovers
Fav T accidentaly met B and found out he is 99.99 percent combatable with him. He tricked B into falling in love with him just to have a baby and get his inheritance. When B didnt want to have sex and take things slow he will tell him that he does even love him and just wants the baby. T gave B a drug that makes his heat come sooner but didnt know how dangerous the drug is(and B body is not strong either) he will have very rough sex with him and hurted him pretty bad. B will runaway and he will findout his pregnant. T will look for him and apologise for the past and tells him to come back. At first B thought it was for the baby but soon he sees T is really sorry. The baby will be born and they will live happy ever after. The pregnancy is shown but giving birth isnt. The art is a bit weird.
The Origin of Species