If You Treat Me Nice, We Can Do It
Didnt like The most fluffiet yakuza ever I dont think they even commit crimes
A Man Who Can't Say No
The Hunter's one night
Not bad not good I didnt like it that much Its a supernatural world the b is adopted so the t wont go to military to fight the monsters( the parents were using him so their son wont be a hunter) The b will go to (the dungeon) where the time in the there wont pass but on the outside will After 10 years the t will find the b The b didnt know outside has been 10 years The t became a high rank person in militery They have sex in there
Bye Bye
Meh Not bad I omega some how meets the alpha they have a every fluffy relation They had a miscarage but his is pregnent again We didnt see the baby or the pregnancy I feel like it ended really sudden
Betting on You
The idea was there but the plot and development was trash The art was all over the place The only intresting thing that happend was in the last about 12 chaperts which ended like a mylittlepony episode The b is about 40 was a chef and became a gambling addict The t had an abusive father who also was a gambling addict The b lost to the t in a game and sold him self to him The t made a bet with him that if he didnt gamble for 3 months he will forgive his debt T was abusive toward him at first becuase he saw his father in b The b has a brother who is a ceo and want to help him many time but he fucked it up B's brother right hand had a crush on him.he didnt like B's brother because he was more focused on his brother than him The b and t fell in love and thats where the father shows up The b doesnt want to tell the t that his father wants to meet him so he goes instead tried to make him go away but he didnt leave B's brother told the right hand to follow his brother,but since rh didnt like the brother he falsly accused the b of gambeling with help from t's father inexchange for money B's brother and t will be dissapointed in b and the brother will forcefully admit him for rehabe. The b will be there for a month wont talk or eat B's brother will sense that sth is wrong T's father will admit to framing b with the help of rh and B's brother will fire him The t will apologise for not beliving him and willgat back toghter B will open a resturant The end Not bad not good The trasnlation was bad too but there is better translation getting uploaded
Kono Kiss wa Kiji ni Dekinai