Collar Kiss
Not bad i kinda liked it The thing is I didnt want the abusive ex too have a good thing happen to him. The flow was fast
Bad Friend
I liked it(fav) It was nice and had an appropriate amount of drama. T was an orphan whose father killed his mother and clan members becuase he was ridiculed for not having any power(his mother was a powerfull marshal artiest and head of the clan).B marshal art teacher took him. B mother passed when B was child and his father was so distressed that he couldnt take care of B and cuased him to have an accident so he gave him up to the marshal arts teacher. B and T fought from the moment they met( more like friends rather than enemies). One day a clan attacked the academy killing everyone .B and T were fighting and B jump to protect T cuasing him to fall in a hole( T thought B died) B found special technices in the hole and stayed there to learn them for 10 years. B came out after 10 years and found out that T joined the clan that killed everyone and is an enemy to the high master?(i dont know the name) meaning he has to kill T now. Sth happend and we find out the high master is T father and all the killings were him not T clan(the same clan his mother was incharge of) and they killed him and restore everything. B is not weak which is good. T is not a toxic pos. The plot doesnt have many holes.
Fav Real bdsm( not vanilla) There is not much drama accept for about the 20 to 30 last ch B is not a masocist but T is a sadist B is a directore in a construction and Design company and T is tha CEO of a Famous entertainment company. T wanted a relation without love becuase the last M he had tried to burn him self( Suicide) becuase T father wanted him to get married. They fall in love and explore thier desire. Sb had a problem with T so the kidnaped and hurt B but is was solved(this was almost under T's father's order)(the father didnt really tell the scretery what to do he just ordered him to break T and B up.) Side couple: T is main couple T half-brother. B is a singer in a group under main T company( side T is the group leader) They had some up and downs but I liked the main couple more. The character development was nice. Didnt have plot holes. B wasnt a damsle in distress. There were no dumb misunderstandings
Showered With Love
No bad i liked it There was not much of a plot and was super light
Yudel and the Obscene Library
Not bad Just 6 ch of pure sex and a bit of plot
Fav I liked it The translation was bad but not to the point of not understanding I just wished it was longer becuase things moved to fast and with this potential a 50 to 60 ch story would have been so much better B was a scientist who went to the "third moon" lab to help with developing phenamenons which are people who can control natural things like wind , fog etc. B was sth called an anti phenamenon which meant he could stop the person from using their power by touching them which was good to help newly developing people not to lose control and die. The government wanted things to go faster but B wanted to keep the phenomenons safe so he said not to do any expirement without him. The gov didnt care and killed a bunch of them by expermenting when B wasnt around(B was one many he couldnt be in everyplace at the same time) Since the experimental humans got out of control and died one after the other the gov crashed the third moon killing everyone resulting in there powers to go to random people in the city. Fast forward B is the leader of resitence wanting gov to let phenamenons (PHE for short)be free (he and most the PHE live in the remains of the third moon) and T is sb from gov also a PHE that is against them. B show T the vidoes he took from the lab and tells him what happend and that everything was becuase of the gov to begin with They told everyone the truth the fucked the gov yay It was nice B wasnt weak and even though B was incharge most of the time T wasnt a useless puppy either.
Shishi no Odoriko