Fill Me With Love 'Til I Can't Live Without It
Max Mojave's Case
Fav It felt real like sb story turned into manga The characters remind me of bananafish Chris(b) saw max(t) kill sb when they were was max first kill so he toll chris to close his eyes so he doesnt have to kill anymore people. Fastforward they both go to uni for criminalpsycology(i think)(they dont remember eachother) Max has been killing people under the order of the gang and found out that chris has been investigating cold cases they are involved in and finding out things he shouldnt so max gets close to him to keep an eye on him. Max will fall in love with chris and desides to leave the gang to have a better life with him. When the gang foundout they took max away for a year. Chris didnt know where max was so he started to look for him.the police (henry) asked him to join the force to take the gangs down and save max. He joins and then finds max in a party a year later. Henry: Edward(the most disgusting character) raped sb and he is the child but henrys grandpa took him in and said he was his child not Ewards. Eward hates henry. Edward is also in love with his brother
Yoiyoi Monologue
Didnt like Way too cringe
Mr. 100% Perfect
There is no main and side Couples.both are great Fav I liked it everyone had character and growth There was no drama or anything that can be summerised. It was just to couples figuring it out and it was Beautiful.
Fav Real bdsm( not vanilla) There is not much drama accept for about the 20 to 30 last ch B is not a masocist but T is a sadist B is a directore in a construction and Design company and T is tha CEO of a Famous entertainment company. T wanted a relation without love becuase the last M he had tried to burn him self( Suicide) becuase T father wanted him to get married. They fall in love and explore thier desire. Sb had a problem with T so the kidnaped and hurt B but is was solved(this was almost under T's father's order)(the father didnt really tell the scretery what to do he just ordered him to break T and B up.) Side couple: T is main couple T half-brother. B is a singer in a group under main T company( side T is the group leader) They had some up and downs but I liked the main couple more. The character development was nice. Didnt have plot holes. B wasnt a damsle in distress. There were no dumb misunderstandings
Fav Will write the summery later
Six Sense