My Bias Appeared?!
there’s already an afternoon and extras.. so i’m assuming that this is already finished? tho it feels like their issue(s) or misunderstandings (on siyeol’s part especially) aint really resolved… edit! i’m glad that there’s more lol there’s prolly a note somewhere that i missed (also prolly bc of the extra chaps too so i assumed it’s already done ) dudes really need to work hard on their communication skills the misunderstandings and lies kept piling up and just be honest with yourself siyeol so… they’re cousins… and siyeol just keeps on misunderstanding them hansnsjsk lmao o could already imagine the chaos and heartbreaks once everything explodes bruh srsly why are you asking if he hates you after everything that's happened? that's dumb ofc he'll somewhat hate you for hurting him and playing with him
Help Me, Teacher