Shitsuren Mania An ongoing series (10 volumes) revolving around Atsuya, who is an "Unrequited Love Maniac" and the loves of his life. Prequel: Hatsukoi Moratorium inside Shotgun Marriage Vol.1: Shitsuren Mania (Unrequited Love Maniac) Vol.2: Junai Allergy (Allergy to Pure Love) Vol.3: Netsuai Complex (Ardent Love Complex) Vol.4: Dekiai Egoism (Enraptured Love) Vol.5: Katsuai Catharsis (Catharsis of the Love) Vol.6: Saiai Ambivalent (The Dearest is Ambivalent) Vol.7: Mitsugetsu Melancholy (Honeymoon Melancholy) Vol.8: Tooi Dearest (Long Distant Love Just Now)
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Perfect Girl Evolution
Watched the anime too. I feel like this was the best way to end it IMO. although I did want to see them become a couple fr, I don't like it when it's an outcome of the others always "gaslighting" them into that situation. and tbh atp I can't imagine how they would act as a couple other than being the same kind of friends. well they could very well be friends! but sunako saying kyohei appears the most dazzling indicates she feels something for him. I hope there was some omake into their future though even if it's a bit ambiguous.
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi