Why didn't I start this sooner? I love it. >< LAWYER X ACTOR LAWYER X GANG BOSS And with art to die for. Like "Mary" said, and I quote, "I’m not sure why some of the comments are surprised and/or disappointed? Last season it was firmly established this guy was an abusive ex and that he and Theo had known each other since they were much younger. This season is starting exactly where season one ended; gunner raping Theo. If you didn’t drop it then, I’m not sure why you would expect the scene to go any differently. The backstory shows why despite him being abusive, Theo still cares about his ex. They were both in abusive households, and both found comfort in each other. Like in this chapter, both were isolated, without a place to call home and unsure where to go, but they find each other. Of course Theo wouldn’t punch gunner to get him off, he still sees the teenager who’s dad abused him. Even though gunner has hurt him, Theo still remembers the time of the past they felt comfort with each other. Even when someone hurts you, it can be hard to let go of the positive memories you share. From season one, it’s been clear this is a love triangle. More accurately, it seems like it’ll be about Theo completely separating himself from his abusive ex and start dating Dylan. I understand why this story wouldn’t be for everyone, and no one is forcing you to read it. But this scene didn’t come out of nowhere, we’ve known this would happen for months."
My Brother's Lover
I like the mystery element and the angst in this as well as the complex plot.
PLACEBO: Let's Play
•The series was first introduced as a short story on Tied to You (Lezhin Short Relay) titled as Placebo before becoming a full serialized series. •"Placebo" is the official title for all platforms except Spanish, which has "Let's Play" (Juguemos) in the title. •The English, French, Spanish, and T.Chinese versions are uncensored. I think the aspect of hypnotism is executed really well in this and it makes it easier that both of them have an awful bad character; one treated his younger brother like shit non-stop and the younger brother manipulated his elder brother and used hypnotism on him in order to perform sexual acts. When the seme ended the hypnosis during them having sex, my heart dropped. I felt so bad for the uke seeing himself in that state being topped by his younger brother whom he hated. Like another commenter said, "I think the ending suited the story really well. Like it’s hinted that the uke lied about his amnesia as a smart way to avoid any confrontation with everything that happened before, and it’s open ended enough that people can pick the final relationship between the mc and ml. Like mc&ml said they’re starting fresh with no lies, so if people wanted them as a couple then it can be interpreted as them choosing to start a new hidden romantic relationship without any manipulation, OR if people don’t want them together romantically then it could mean they’re starting their step brother dynamic over where the uke isint always mean and the seme isint using hidden tactics. (Won’t lie tho, I can understand y people think it’s kinda rushed bec they weren’t expecting it to end right after the climax so I do think a side story would be a good addition to see their life after the hospital and how they navigate things)"
Swallowing The Black Shade
wonder what happened to his biological bro that poor thing MANLY UKE OLDER UKE DOKKEBI X HUMAN ◥░║║░◤ Kwon Jihyun who lost his little brother as a child after they went to the nearby mountains to play ..Years passed but that incident still haunts him & also his friend Hae-gyeom whom he sees as a little brother started behaving strangely & soon enough ended up confessing his feelings
Foul's Start
volleyball player seme + bandmember uke + reincarnation + college life I don't see a tragedy tag but I'm worried he'll vanish into bubbles before getting his feelings across and without making up. I just get that vibe but I really hope that's not the case.
Looks promising!! I was summoned by the cover. OMEGAVERSE + SPORTS SwimmersAlpha x Omega Sports Agency Injury Younger Seme x Older Uke There's a novel too.
Tender Night