Daisuki Datta Yo, Sensei...
Daisuki Datta yo, Sensei... A girl whom experienced unsuccessful "threads" of love with her teacher, encounters her fated person!? A very kind, dramatic love! Ushiro kara Niban-me no Kanojo Yumi loves Sakura and her crush happens to be friends with a guy called Sakura! She only eyes for her sempai, not Sakura, but this changes when she was caught watching Sakura getting slapped by a girl and he called her a peeping tom. He even told her that she "should give up" on her crush, what does he mean by that...? Toraware Beast (Captured Beast) Gotou Shiori is known as the 'perfect lady' and looks 'experienced'. The truth is, she isn't as 'perfect' or 'experienced' as it seems! She has never had a boyfriend and is a major Otaku! One day she's at a bookshop and the creepy Otaku, Megumu Kajo, finds out her secret. To make sure he doesn't tell anyone that she is an Otaku too, she has to join the Drama Club.
Included in the paperback version of Kurui Naku No Wa Boku No Ban.
Sugar Family
I've read it all except the extra Kid x Box which hasn't been translated yet.
I Should Never Have Lived With An Honor Student