Pheromone phobia
Read on zinchamangw, but i wanted to save it here too. I love it, soo interesting and hot.
Behind Iron Bars
Mmmmh 4 now, let’s see Ok it endend ahah the end it's weird but still pretty twisted so i liked it ahah my style (maybe i shouldn't say it but what ever....)
Master x Secretary
Brother In Law Assault
Ehm…. Wtf?! Well… lesson of the day do not care if somebody is in his room all day doing who knows what or gaming, just think about your life or throw them out of the house, or something like this might happen….. wow run 4 real bro, he cray cray
The Bad Boy's Corruption ~ Gang Boss Gangbang ~
Lesson of the day, your cute little brother might rape you one day….. so run if you hear that he was kidnapped AHAHAH
I feel so bad for Dan, For the end of chp 11 especially i hope nothing to bad happens to him pfft in chp 12 Cho 12.... I watched the sex scene in DISGUST..... usually I like twisted story with rape and violence, even sadistic beauty bl in the beginning i was fine with it but then i don't know Minho started to feel pitiful to me and i felt bad for him pfft i just wushed that he could be happy, so I do enjoy like for 90% of the stories since sadistic beauty exist and some other story where I just felt bad... and this one?! Man I felt soooo bad, like I don't care vene if he kept is short ain't no way he didn't see the bruises... ain't no fucking way, sooo I hate him soo much I don't care if he is hot or whatever I hate what he just did and he is gonna regret for sure, my poor Dan fel on the ground.... I'm sooo mad... and I even saw way worst stories and abuse and everything and this is not so abusive ti be honest In compare to what I have saw, but waw I'm so mad.... my poor baby pfft Ok it's officiL, i hate the dude... period I'm grateful he lowkwy saved him, bit i still hate him.... especially after the end of chp 18
Smyrna & Capri
This is cute!!
When I was called to the ceremony, I was alone with the killer
Whut?! Ahah e stars only because it remembers me a cheap version of the other manga with a killer ahah otherwise this was like a not sense manga ahah how did they even get in that room, we jumped all of that, but if i think about it thank god actually ahah that we jumped that part ihih, anyways not soo bad just there is no sense to the story
Beware of the Full Moon In March