Hitori to Hitori no 3650nichi
3650 says of tqo people apart.... i FUCKING CRIED.... bitcheven the title is sooo god, last chapter begging i literally cried the shit out of myself pfft, My poor babies i'm happy it all endend like that, the moemnt when they said i love you to each thore, finally after 10 years tge words that should have come out before, but im so happy that the new them fjnd each thore, and that they are together now. Uh and i qant a bf like makii, even then name is cute ahah
Blind Play
OMG!! sexy but fucking psycho, this is good, after killing stalker, finally somenthing similar ihihih, i love it psychi like them are really interesting, but he is different tho cause he can really handle really well both of his life, soo I'm always looking forward to his next move eheh
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