Who's Your Daddy?
Omgggg so interesting, ngl i can't wait to see if he is gonna keep the baby o what, and also how this all male pregnant thing Is gonna work in this universe. It's so interesting that there is a murderer in the background of the main story, it makes everything so unique, and also the victims are just male or female literally copies of the mc, and I think the mc was drugged too the bighit that he had sex with the prince that is why it looks consensual, and that is why he forgot everything after it.... so low the question are who drugged him?, is it the murder? Where is this drug from, cause low key is really amazing as drug, it is dangerous and we hope anything like that will ever exist (of course it will not ahah), but a drug that can make the othe person to everything you want and when the effects disappear the eoeosne will forget everything, soo interesting. Any who this manga is cute, and also I'm sorry for the prince cause it wasn't really consensual, he was drugged and he did what the price asked him (my opinion now just 24 ch are out, soo I just know they had sex), but we know that the mc kinda fancy the prince so I'm glad the baby is his (I mean that night he only had sex with the dude so it is his baby, I hope there is not gonna be a plot twist saying that the baby is somebody else's, it will be shocking and unexpected but definitely not wanted ahah u prefer the cliche in this case, aka the prince is the daddyyyyy ihihih)
I Was Reincarnated in Another World and Auctioned off as a Slave
Uuuh from ch 4 it's getting more interesting ihih, shu knows
Kamikemono no Hakoniwa
Master's Pet
OMFG!!! Chp 32.... second seasom, Ein kissed him omg omg omg what IS GOIN ONN!! I thought he didn't want to cross the line and then he goes and kiss him!? Also I read spoiler that he is gonna end up with the not nice one... soo why the fuck are you doing this to me and to him if in the end you are not gonna love him?! I mean if he choose the other one than at the very least he will like him... so why breaking the heart of this poor naive boy pfft he is soo cute and he deserve to be loved for real, and also Ein said that he was using him and he felt that he himselfwas disgust 4 that, so now I'm suspicious.... the kiss was kinda sus, actually it was SUS not kinda pfft, did you kiss because you have feeling 4 him or for other motives which I'm not aware of pfft.... Ein I don't know I feel bad 4 you but I don't want other people to get hurt especially if they are somebody that I feel really likes you and will definitely be very hurt by all this... if you didn't cross the line then he would have realised it was a one sided live and eventually got over it... but now you are giving him hopes 4 nothing, since I already know the end I guess I'm taking this differently, if I didn't knew the end I will probably be kinda happy, even if I like the not nice one ihih yes eheh i like him more than a naive cute guy, interesting mangas in real live I like more Sanders personalities but that are extremely nice to me.... and the duke is not nice to Ein sooo... just in the fictional I like more the violente kinda one. Anyway I hope the little duke will not suffer to much... he too cute pfft Chp 34 Ein did it.... it was the first time that i red a sex scene in a manga that i like, and while reading it hatubg every single moment pfft, i don't know what Ein is thinking and i don't want Collin to be hurt, i know he is a man but he is also very sensible pfft and I like that part of him, like how he took care of Ein even in the meantime of the sex and everything, he si cute but handsome, nice and caring, and if Ein is using him or i don't know what, i don't think i will be able to forgive Ein, also it is sus the fact that when they did it the first time, Ein while crying thought "I did it with master Collin", but since he always cry when he has sex I don't know if he cried for the sex or because he su doing somenthing fishy for the other guy pfft, I don't know but he better really not hurt Collin, cause I really like him now pfft, before i thought he was a little but to childish for his age, I didn't find him cute at all just clueless of everything, but now I like him pfft, so I hope he doesn't suffer to much pfft
Well Done!
The ending... well il biodnino deserves that... you used him first, actually i don't like the personality of both of them, but looking at therj past, i do understand why they are like that, and i'm sorry but still if i have to choose i like more the assistant/driver, he cute.
Furyou Mesu Ochi