Dareka Yume Dato Ittekure
The Wicked Prince and The Helpless Pup
I feel so bad for Dan, For the end of chp 11 especially i hope nothing to bad happens to him pfft in chp 12 Cho 12.... I watched the sex scene in DISGUST..... usually I like twisted story with rape and violence, even sadistic beauty bl in the beginning i was fine with it but then i don't know Minho started to feel pitiful to me and i felt bad for him pfft i just wushed that he could be happy, so I do enjoy like for 90% of the stories since sadistic beauty exist and some other story where I just felt bad... and this one?! Man I felt soooo bad, like I don't care vene if he kept is short ain't no way he didn't see the bruises... ain't no fucking way, sooo I hate him soo much I don't care if he is hot or whatever I hate what he just did and he is gonna regret for sure, my poor Dan fel on the ground.... I'm sooo mad... and I even saw way worst stories and abuse and everything and this is not so abusive ti be honest In compare to what I have saw, but waw I'm so mad.... my poor baby pfft Ok it's officiL, i hate the dude... period I'm grateful he lowkwy saved him, bit i still hate him.... especially after the end of chp 18
It's All Your Fault, Brother
What?!.... also only 2 chp?! This definitely needs more like the little bro wnet crazy just like that pfft
When I was called to the ceremony, I was alone with the killer
Whut?! Ahah e stars only because it remembers me a cheap version of the other manga with a killer ahah otherwise this was like a not sense manga ahah how did they even get in that room, we jumped all of that, but if i think about it thank god actually ahah that we jumped that part ihih, anyways not soo bad just there is no sense to the story
PLACEBO: Let's Play
OMG!! There was like a shtort story of this that i already red and i didnt nnow that they made like a more detailed longer story, so i am all for it i liked the short version, so OF COURSE IM LOVING THIS EVEN MORE IHIHIH im alreadu at chp 24 Cannot wait for the next chps
Smyrna & Capri