The Evil Empress Loves Me So Much
Thisss iss sooo cute, rose is soo pretty and cute and i love her reactions when she intercats with Charls, and about charls i have nothing to say just cutest persone alive for now ahah and the crown prince is cute too ahah everybody js cute ahah snd everybidy have a difficult situation but if they all get together I'm sure they will be all happy eheh Chp 19, love it 4 now can'twait to see Charls and the prince become more close, and the day that finally the crown prince will meet Rose, and Rose is my favourite ahah even if she is not the female lead, she is my favourite 4 sure ahah
Youngest Scion of the Mages
Reborn As a Character That Never Existed
I love ittt, thally is sooo cute, and everyone is so pretty tf?! I love the story soo far and i enjoy reading it every time, they are soo cute ihih Currently at chp 16 The more i read the more i love Tilly ihih she is soo cute and funny, even if this is not reletad to chp 17 that i just red, but all the chp together till now makes me love her so much, alsoo the chp when she refer herself as the evil queen ahah or when she cals her sister ugly ahah i love this ihih Chp 17 currently
Stuck in My Sister's Dating Sim
This story had so much potential is like it but no so much pfft something could have been better, actually a lot of things pfft
The Heroine Wants Me As Her Sister-in-Law
I LOVE ITTT!! I read it all in one setti g all 40 chps, ihih lucky that the full first season was all out bit now i have to wait for the second pffttt, she is sooooo funny like really funny and all the dinamics of the four are sooo cute, i really love it the 40 chp ended with everyone that now knoe her secret, the she is a wolf i want to see how they will treat her in the future and things will change, hoing that they will not cha ge thought, and laos she i defintely a wolf a cute one we can ad ahah her wolf form is sooo cute but she is definitely mlre than that.... i want to know ehat she is im sooo curios, and what her mther said to her that the dragons will definetly like her, ehat does that mean, this is the first time that im not gonna read the spoilers of the movel cause i want to find out on my on, cute cute stuff as per usual i like this stuff, even if thay are really sple readings and the story are not thtmich different from one another i mena the one i usually like have similar plot but different everything, isekai and badass fl, but i aslo really really enjoy stuff like solo leveling, but this isekai simple readibg are super funny ahah they get me laughin so easily, and the art is definitely my still, anyway i love her and i love him and u live the little oness ihih
Yandere Ouji ga Shachiku Onna no Watashi o Hanasanai
Ehm.... okay.... there are just 2 chp for now pfft
Say the spell, Rose!