I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel
I don't trust eusto anymore pfft. i hope yulia survives, she pretty strong and dope ᕙ(•̀‸•́‶)ᕗ
The Reincarnated Princess Strikes Down Flags Today as Well
Untouchable Lady
Bitch get your revenge and just live 4 yourself, I hate all her family....
The Villain's Savior
My babyy Asephh (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू), i want to protect him too!!
I Became the Tyrant's Secretary
The art is soooooo beatiful, he is soo hot she is sooo pretty and i like her personality, during the dance party things will get even more interesting ihihih
Elysian's Bride
THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF PARADISE. When i die i want my paradise to be exactly like that, the fact that she can have magic too simply with having sex?! Bitch this is perfect!! And i can choose how many men i want!! And they are all frickin handsome!! This is my paradise I really want this to be my paradise, If u can choose when u die, I want it omg I'm mesmerized!! This is amazing!! I really whis i was here ahah never wanted to be so much a character in a manhwa ahah again this is amazing!!
You're All Dead if You Mess With My Brother
I feel soo sorry 4 her, like how can he die that many times like dudee self preserv yourself pfft
Isekai Ooku Ohi ni Naritakuba Yotogi de Denka ni Aisaretsuzuke yo