Ai o Ataeru Kemonotachi
Sad, glad, then painful and happy. Literally the mix of emotions in order in just one chapter pfft. I love the drawing a lot and the story is soo interesting but there is just one chapter out pfft I don't know if they are gonna upload but I love the story soo much pfft. I want to see Chikasmile and be happy. (so cute the nickname, but I really love just Shinra too, don't know what is the name or surname, even if before I said that Chika is the nickname, actually I have no idea ahah, but oki)
Tsunderu Moto Akuyaku Reijou wa Do S Ouji-sama kara Nigedashitai
I like it ahah Anne is cute but for the first 5 chpaters there really isn't any development in the story ahah they just have sex, and yeah he finds out that she is not Anneline but Anna, but that's it ahah, from the sixth chapter I hope there will be more of the story integrated with sex scene ahah, like if there is only sex scenes it gets boring going forward... but yeah I like her, him I have to figure it out ahah
I’m a Villainous Daughter, so I’m going to keep the Last Boss
La storia l'ho finita di leggere e mi è piaciuta un casino, i personaggi la trama tutto!!, mancano solo gli ultimi capitoli, gli spinoff da leggere, ma davvero una storia stupenda.
Akuyaku Reijou no Shitsuji-sama Hametsu
Interesting and somenthing, i like him and her too, they cute ihih
Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei Shita hazu ga Marie Antoinette Deshita
I Became the Wife of the Monstrous Crown Prince
Similar to "i became the duke's maid", the concept, but the story is different, i like this one better tho, cause she is a princess and she has powers, whne they growp up there will not be problems cause they are already married, anyway i'm curios to see the developments of this story, I really like it and Blakee is sooo cute!!
I was Reborn as the Villainess' Father and I Need XXX to Survive!?