A Hunter's Courtship Method
I’m a Villainous Daughter, so I’m going to keep the Last Boss
La storia l'ho finita di leggere e mi è piaciuta un casino, i personaggi la trama tutto!!, mancano solo gli ultimi capitoli, gli spinoff da leggere, ma davvero una storia stupenda.
I’ll Just Live on as a Villainess
I really really like it, Harry is the best and Yveria is soo funny ahah love their relationship and i hope is gonna change/develop in somenthing more, he likes her for sure, uh and when she is gonna realised what "the other way to relieve is basic needs/desire" means I'm gonna laugh soo hard ahah
The Reincarnated Villainess' Dark History
I really like this manga but i don't want Yana to get hurt for saving Kohana, like when she got hurt for saving nobody really cared for her except for Sol but she got in danger in the first place for the pressure that he puts on her.... I don't know I like Iana and I like how she is, is really cute and funny but I hope she will not get hurt, and also i love when her friend came back, even if he thinks about killing Kohona and bla bla, and of course I don't agree and even Iana doesn't, but I love that there is someone that likes Iana and doesn't like Kohona, like yeah she is nice and whatever but Iana is cute and nice too now.
I am the Precious Daughter of the Greatest Villain in the Fantasy World
4 WORDS... I AM IN LOVE, actually even more, her personality is just the best het name is really hard to tho Chp 40. OMG I'm in love with the serpent
The Lady Wants to Rest
Love itt, when she left it was the best, wee love strong independent women ihihih, I love it for now, and also her mantra is my mantra, i want to live as a sloth ahah
The Precious Sister of The Villainous Grand Duke
This is hella funnyyy!!! I love herrr!! I really really love herrr ahah Anisaaa you funny little cutie, i love their relationship, and also since j already lnlw that they ain't sibling, I'm curious to know what will happen in the future when they found out about it, anyway the chapters when she met veronica and the interactions with yuri, I love it ahah sooo funny I laughed sooo hard ahah I love those two ihih
Encirclement Love