NPCs Can Save the World Too!
looks fun!!
The Hero Returns
I LOVE IT!! this is one of my favourite genre and this one will become one of my favourite webtoon 4 sure!! Solo leveling of course is frist but this one is there ahah they can all be firts! I love this sooooo much From chp 40 to 47 I had to re read the chapters where he was acting like a terrorist become I loved it soo much and in the end chp 47 the dragon was a hero himself waw pfft and my little red haired dude I feel for Him, i hate his guild master and I know 4 sure why he will kill all of them i will too if I had the chance to be honest pfft that idiot i hate him and i know for sure that idiot took one of my boy eye pfft i hope he dies really OK I re read it, from chp 40 to 47 like a thousand of time now ahah I just love it pfft I think i will go reread the scene that I love from solo leveling and other monster regression ecc manhwa ihihih
The Wicked Prince and The Helpless Pup
How To Survive as the Devil's Child
Funny ahah and cute if you don't consider her background story, don't know why they did that to her pervious self but there must be a reason for sure, they look nice (for being demons) I am at Chp 16
I Was Born as the Second Daughter
Reborn As a Character That Never Existed
I love ittt, thally is sooo cute, and everyone is so pretty tf?! I love the story soo far and i enjoy reading it every time, they are soo cute ihih Currently at chp 16 The more i read the more i love Tilly ihih she is soo cute and funny, even if this is not reletad to chp 17 that i just red, but all the chp together till now makes me love her so much, alsoo the chp when she refer herself as the evil queen ahah or when she cals her sister ugly ahah i love this ihih Chp 17 currently
The Perks of Being a Villain
LOVE IT!! I an at chp 19 and I cannot waitt for the next chps pfft she is soooo funny i like this tipe of fl, i hope that at the end they are not gonn ajust use her but they will become a real family, she deserv it, for real pfft let her have a faimly author nim pfft Ahahahahahh sooo funny ahah i like this kind oh humour, Chp 21 DONE ahah
Youngest Scion of the Mages