Reborn As a Character That Never Existed
I love ittt, thally is sooo cute, and everyone is so pretty tf?! I love the story soo far and i enjoy reading it every time, they are soo cute ihih Currently at chp 16 The more i read the more i love Tilly ihih she is soo cute and funny, even if this is not reletad to chp 17 that i just red, but all the chp together till now makes me love her so much, alsoo the chp when she refer herself as the evil queen ahah or when she cals her sister ugly ahah i love this ihih Chp 17 currently
Yandere Ouji ga Shachiku Onna no Watashi o Hanasanai
Ehm.... okay.... there are just 2 chp for now pfft
Slammer Dogs
Abarenbo honey
Ehm.... is it cute or not i don't know ahah but I lowkey I like it
Yoru To Asa No Uta EC
Obedience Hypnosis Threesome Lovesex
A little be twisted cause Eiji nope there wasn't consent ahah If he is hipnotized if he say yes it's not really consensual like you said at one point but still THIS WAS CUTE! oh my god i love theryr dynamics and it was such a good read, Yuta is sooo cute and Haruto too, Eiji is also cute, perfect! Loved it!
I Was Born as the Second Daughter