♡'s manga / #⭐(4)

The World’S Best Engineer

Ongoing | bk_moon, , kim hyun soo, lee hyun-min | 2000 released

This is so good, the mc is so funny. I love the muscle orcs and muscle elfs

Doll Boyfriend

Ongoing | VitaminJyo | 2000 released
2023-10-16 19:18 marked

Remarried Empress

Ongoing | Alphatart , Sumpul | 2019 released
2021-10-12 14:01 marked

I obviously don't like the mistress but.... the emperor....... He should just get his dick eaten by maggots and suffer as he sees the mc being a queen with a child from her new husband, that's the very least suffering he should go through

Zhong Qing

Ongoing | 长佩文学,木更木更,黑色礁石 | 2022 released

Nonononono no no no absolutely not I thought there would have been at least like 100 chapters. The shock when clicking next brought me back to the front page was immeasurable. 7 stages of grief aside, the dragon or whatever that thing is seems to be very romantic which is adorable