Hello Again
Zwei beste Freunde, von denen einer dem anderen vom einen auf den anderen Tag urplötzlich aus dem Weg geht... denn am Abend davor haben sie sich betrunken geküsst und während der eine keinerlei Erinner mehr an das Geschehnis hat, will der andere auf keinen Fall schwul sein und datet sehr viele Mädchen. Eines Tages brechen sie jedoch das Eis zwischen ihnen und es ist als wäre nie etwas passiert. Bis sich die Geschehnisse an Silvester wiederholen...
Kocchi Muite Waratte
OMFG so cuuute ~(>_<)~ Antisozialer Typ gesteht einem Typen, der nie vorher in jemanden verliebt war, seine Liebe und macht darufhin aber nichts. Daraufhin nimmt der 2. Typ das ganze selbst in die Hände ...
Sore o Koigokoro to Yobu no Nara
Hana to Hirari
this is just really cute and i really want to know what happens next
Here U Are
omg so cute alles an diesem Manhua ist einfach perfekt ich liebe die Charaktere, den Zeichenstil, den Plot arghhh perfeeeeeekt Edit: holy shit this is soooooooooo drawn out and everytime something progresses, there's some stupid misunderstanding and whoop we're back at square one also waaaay to many side couples i think i haven't seen the main couple for at least ten chapters now where are theeeeeeeeey It's so sad to see a manga that was so good in the beginning fall so low and get ruined by this terrible, terrible pacing Edit 2: It seems we're over the mountain of pacing issues and misunderstandings, currently it's really good again, some of the pacing choices are actually paying off right now, mainly the side couple ones, because they're now both at pretty interesting stages and you're already invested so that's good Edit 3: so right now it's really good again and I actually really like the side couples, they are all very different and have very different dynamics but all of them actually appeal to me so I guess that's a big win. I just hope that their progression won't be as slow as the main couple's because then I'll have to take away that fourth star again
Banana Fish
okay wow.... I could literally write entire books about this but I won't because no one's gonna read this anyways but still... I LOVE the way Ash's and Eiji's relationship is handled. It's left more or less ambiguous whether their love was platonic or romantic.... because it doesn't matter. Their love trancends any kinds of categories and descriptions. What I love even more is that their relationship is 0% sexual, not even kisses (the one in prison doesn't count because it wasn't to express love but to deliver a secret message so don't @ me) which makes perfect sense due to the years of rape and sexual abuse Ash had to endure since he was a child. It's only logical that his sense of sexuality would be in ruins. For him, sexuality and love have nothing to do with one another. To prove this, you only have to look at one of the many scenes in which Ash starts acting sexual towards people. Notice that he never does so out of love or any other emotion, without any exceptions, he always uses sex as a tactic (e.g. letting the guys rape him in prison, secuding security guards etc). The real romantic moments are when he is alone with Eiji and he completely drops every wall he built around himself to protect himself (of which there are many) and makes himself complete vulnerable. Or when he risks everything to save Eiji or ... I could go on and on about this. The point is, I see so many people complaining about it not being clear whether their relationship was romantic or not and that there were to little kisses and whatever. I on the other hand was very glad it was written the way it was because otherwise Ash's entire character would've made no sense at all and this way we got a heartwarming but also heartbreaking story that touches you directly at the soul. Goddammit I love this. I'm still not over the ending tho tbh