Here U Are
omg so cute alles an diesem Manhua ist einfach perfekt ich liebe die Charaktere, den Zeichenstil, den Plot arghhh perfeeeeeekt Edit: holy shit this is soooooooooo drawn out and everytime something progresses, there's some stupid misunderstanding and whoop we're back at square one also waaaay to many side couples i think i haven't seen the main couple for at least ten chapters now where are theeeeeeeeey It's so sad to see a manga that was so good in the beginning fall so low and get ruined by this terrible, terrible pacing Edit 2: It seems we're over the mountain of pacing issues and misunderstandings, currently it's really good again, some of the pacing choices are actually paying off right now, mainly the side couple ones, because they're now both at pretty interesting stages and you're already invested so that's good Edit 3: so right now it's really good again and I actually really like the side couples, they are all very different and have very different dynamics but all of them actually appeal to me so I guess that's a big win. I just hope that their progression won't be as slow as the main couple's because then I'll have to take away that fourth star again
Mikami to Sato wa Mada Yamashikunai
"it's not gay if you say no homo afterwards" meets "oh shit I think the reason why I want to kiss my roommate all the time is because I'm acTUALLY GAY" jk I love this I especially love how fucking open the characters are about what they think and feel lol
why no kiss tho jk it was really sweet and now I have caries
Golden Sparkle
yeah the premise is stupid but the characters are really sweet and have amazing chemistry this has the potential to grow way beyond its premise into something really beautiful but right now we don't know yet 4/5 for now, but that might change
Urusai Kurai no Kokuhaku Kudasai
definitely worth a re-read in some time cute and hilarious i fucking love characters who say what they think
Cupid ni Rakurai
Holy shit I LOVE this. This has some of the hottest sex scenes ever while also being incredibly healthy in its portrayal of them (and the entire relationship). Explicit consent, use of protection, „wait“ and „stop“ actually have a meaning, discussion of what‘s okay and what isn‘t for each partner aaand the sex isn‘t always „perfect“ (especially the first time) but it‘s never treated as a problem but as a normal thing (which it is). I will definitely check out this author‘s other works, too.
Wakabaryou de, Kimi to