The First Love of the Sushi Restaurant Owner is a Mermaid
Cute oh my gosh!!! This is SO cute and the art is so lovely ough... So short though!! I wish it was longer
Link in the hole
I mean yeah it wasn't bad, interesting concept and nice art but a little bland aside from the smut
Plin's Love Juice
Interesting ig?? Idk it's okay so far. Why is the secret ingredient snake penis though like. Idk that feels weird to me. MC is a cutie but the dragon guy gives me red flag energy
Don't Touch My Tail
This is really good!!! The art is lovely and I enjoy the characters a lot, plus the story and world is super interesting. My only real complaint is that this is another case of the official translation nuking the characters names to replace them with random western ones
Wadatsumi no Yometori
WOW this was super interesting. The art is gorgeous and the story made me cry, what more could you want. Highly recommend
Cherry Doll Scandal
Oh my gosh!! Cute!!! I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I am, especially considering Jaewon came off as a dick in the beginning, but he genuinely cares about Eunho and I really like how much he's genuinely trying to show him he cares
Wolf Me Up
See here's the thing, this COULD'VE been good if Haruomi didn't force himself on Taishi several times. The art's nice and Taishi's a cutie but yeahhh no