When Falcone's World Stops Turning (Blood Brothers Book 1)
A classic Harlequin romance. Great, classic art
Wolf Crying Pharmacy
Looks interesting and the FL ACTUALLY seems like a strong character- very interested to see how it develops. Also I can totally see this as a webseries or a kdrama As someone who has loved Kpop- for a long while, but has only become a stan relatively recently it's kinda nice to see a fellow adult fan
That ending was sooo abrupt. I had to try to ignore so many things! 1) The kid gave NO hint of consent. 2) He was a KID. 3) He was a kid he had raised...
Raintree: Inferno (The story of the Raintree Clan 1)
Wow! Great start to the series!
Pomegranate Blooms in Spring
Sex at the Ends of the Earth
Actually really cute. I was surprised by just how sweet the story ended up being
Executive's Pregnancy Ultimatum
Very, very decent. Absolutely gorgeous art. More depth and an actual storyline with interesting developments Would've loved an epilogue scene though.
Pregnant with the Prince's Child