The Dragon's King
46 king has to "sacrifice" to the snake god every month to keep it in prison. Ml is hi main guard. Great fantasy story. No updates since 2021
Never Die Extra
60 complete and discontinued. It's just the intro. Too much harem, he's 12 come on, girls are literally throwing themselves at him.
Catching Up With Luke Bischel
Male lead pov in a shoujo? Sign me up! Crazy male + strong fl? I love this Complete. It's... Boring, flat, uneventful. The world building is extremely bad. And that's a good thing because thinking about it, this love story is between a genocidal war criminal and a mafia guy practicing extortion and other criminal offences.
Martial Streamer
37 harem nonsense is making it unreadable :( a pity cause i liked the idea. Dropped + no updates
The Fallen Duke & the Knight Who Hated Him
Royal Marriage