I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
Chp 50
You're All Dead if You Mess With My Brother
Chp 42 I’m confused on why the recent chp call Aster a “she” wasn’t Aster a boy?????
Virtues of the Villainess
Art is 10/10 so good and cute! The story is also cute but I feel like the things were resolved pretty quickly/abruptly…maybe cause I was reading it at like 1-2am… anyways I kinda wish the Larajae and Ginger were friends but alas, a girl can only wish. The prince/king (Izana) is so fckin hot!! I wish the second male lead had a love story of their own but cause I like mc and ml tgt but I also like 2ml so…anyways it’s cute and good!
I Failed to Divorce My Husband
Chp81 Chp75 amnesia plot?! Did not expect that hahah Update: it’s not a promo anymore!!! And the art is still so cute!!!
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Cuteee Story time: so I showed this to my sister cause I forgot it had smut and she SKIPPED TO THE SMUT CHAPTERS STRAIGHT ON LIKE?! Safe to say she hates me now and I’m crying
At the Northern Fort
E? Heibon Desu Yo??