Never Understand
I wish they showed more about Heeno finding out that the sunbae was actually chubby, and more about the after story of what happened to the main MC. Also about the lying dude and the ex president. There’s so many things that I wish they’d just touched upon a little bit longer and tell/show us what happened instead of us guessing for ourselves because this isn’t a mystery, it’s romance.
Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku
This is one of my favourites!! It’s completed and is intriguing!!! 12/10 would read again… which I did..hahah
You're All Dead if You Mess With My Brother
Chp 42 I’m confused on why the recent chp call Aster a “she” wasn’t Aster a boy?????
My Hot Friend Is Glowing
Chp50 wait…that’s…it…?
Ase to Sekken
Chp97.6 Not a big fan of the weird harassment going on in the start but seeing her character, it makes sense why she acted that way (c" ತ,_ತ)…other than that ITS SO FREAKIG CUTE!! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾THE ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE AND THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS DKNT DRAG ON!! ITS ADORABLE JFKSHDBD OMG HDKSHDB I mean other than the obvious lewd stuff :;(∩´﹏`∩);: it’s a cute love story between a man with a sensitive nose and a sweaty girl (*´꒳`*)
Please Save My Husband
A little unsatisfactory as they don’t go in-depth on what the system is, why it’s there and how it’s there. Also I felt like the ending was a bit rushed. Other than that, it was a cool story! Really cute and funny too. I really liked it!! <3
4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku
Chp14 Pretty good I wanna see where it goes pls update faster
Kusakabe-kun another
Cho24 when will they switch back pls T^T