Seihantaina Kimi to Boku
Chp65 AINT NO EFFIN WAY THATS THE END?!! HELLO?!! GIVE NE MORE??? GIVE ME MORE OF THE SIDE CHARACTERS TOO?!!??? HELLOOO???!!!!!!????? I’m done for!!! This is sooooOoOooO CUTE and so mature(?)!!! Like they handle the conflicts well and each character has their own personality and also this reminds me of my high school time and like boys are girls mingling and just being friends and just high schoolers it’s just a ajdhsjjsdd vs Bebe cute
You Won’t Kill Me This Time, Crown Prince!
Chp39.2 damn that saints a bitch it’s good!! I knew the crown prince was inside the body of Gideon (the enemy), and I’m glad that’s the case otherwise it would just be annoying. Also, I like how she actually went through with her plan to separate but unfortunately Gideon, inside the body of the crown prince, won’t allow it. I wonder how they’ll get back into their own bodies and would it be weird for her to see Gideon’s body the same way again when they do??? But there’s one thing that annoys me, they already established some things (e.g. him liking her in Gideon’s body) but it’s like they have amnesia or smth because they always forget and repeat it (well, the example I gave it over now as they got tgt sorta, so, it’s okay lol) but ya there’s like some repetition that annoys me.
Koibito ga Ubu Sugite Komaru
Chp10 so cute
Honey Lemon Soda
Chp71 idk why my bookmark disappeared :’( anyway I hate the first year guy but also how is the school letting them get away with all this??
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