Criminal Interview
..........this legitimately blew my mind (pun intended i&credible). But like seriously, I'm literally, speechless??????? Like, I'm not usually like this at the end of a manhwa but,, UM....WHY THE HELL WAS THIS SO GOOD??????? Dude this is going in my top favourites because of how,,,GOOD THE STORY WAS?????? HOLY SHIT I NEVER WANTED TO CONTINUE A STORY AS MUCH AS I DID FOR THIS (other than never understand and my starry sky and stuff) BECAUSE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS WAS PERFECT..?????? I always get carried away but this is actually,,,, like I'd recommend this to people who don't even like BL and they'd even like it....THATS how well done it is. I NEED more from this author because HOLY SHIT WAS THE STORY AMAZING (like LOOKISM LEVEL OF SKILL) aND THE...THE ENDING????? BRO I UGHHHHHH I NEED MORE CLOSURE BUT IM SO HAPPY THAT IT ENDED WITH LIKE A GOOD ENDING AND HOPE FOR THEIR FUTURE BECAUSE SOMEONE FINNA DIE IF THEY DIDNT GET ONE- I just hope everyone else is doing well (rip baron tho,,,, like dude was an MVP) and the whole story I just wanted to give johnathan and kister a big fat hUG UGH :SOB: I JUST WANNA GIVE THEM A HUG THEYVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH ;n; aAAAAAA BUT ASIDE FROM THAT EVERYTHING FROM THE CHARACTERS TO THE PLOT WAS WELL DONE I NEED MORE?????????? LIKE PLEASE I WILL PAY FOR A SEASON 2 BEcAUSE HOLY FUCK THAT WAS AMAZING????????? LIKE THAT SHIT BLEW MY MIND MORE THAN MATH FFS SOMEONE FEED ME WITH MOREEEEEE AAAAAAA bUT REALLy tHouGh I'll be definitely giving this a reread sometime because this is BEYOND amazing. This will definitely be on my "RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE THAT I KNOW" list because thAT RIGHT THERE IS A MASTERPIECE, 1000000/10 STARS!!!!!!!! side note/song: I&credible by I Land (blow your mi-i-i-i-ind heh this manhwa sure did- but yEah)
On Doorstep