bro... to sum this up, it's literally the epitome of beauty - iTS A FRICKIN ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS (I cried and laughed and- uGH) AGHHHH THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS SO WHOLESOME AND I LOVED LITERALLY EVERY CHARACTER IN IT AAAAAA IT WAS SO GOOD!1!1!1!1! THE epIloGUe oF tHe seCOND SEASON THO I LOVED IT (SPOILER ALERT) AGGH JUNGWOO IS BEST bOi ((he's literally one of the only villains i loved from the start, I'm glad he was remorseful)). honeStly I woUlda loveD tO sEe morE bacKstorY oF hiM siNce hEs mY fav chARacTer riP bUT THE SUB COUPLE THO (I kNew tHe woUnd wAs fROm kissiNg mUhahahahA) i LOVED THEM OMG tHis mANHWA THO I JUST CAnT - aNywAYS I WUD DEF RATE DIS 100/10 staRS!1!1!1!1!1
My Darling Signed In