NyanCat4709's manga / #Can read ppl’s thoughts(1)

Voice of Love

Complete | Pongpong | 2017 released

THIS WAS SO CUTEEEEEEE uGH IT WAS SO SIMPLE BUT I LOVED IT SO MUCH REEEEEE tHeir rELatiOnshIP wAs sO whOlesOme i cAnT aAA bUt liEk sRsLy I lOved iT dE aRt and dA stOry wAs sO gOoD I cAnT REEEEEE aT tImes i gOt maD aT jiHo (spoilers: who the hell breaks up with their loved one after one fight like I get in the past you had trouble with that but my guy is literally telling you he Iikes you multiple times and you just don't listen to what he had to say ) bUt oTher tHan tHat cHARACTERS WERE AWESOME