ReviewRaptor's manga / #wtf just happened?(297)


Ongoing | Dosak,도삭 | 2021 released

Be aware, this is a review, so there will be negative things mentioned here that I noticed. Can't handle critique or negative things being mentioned? Please don't read it, instead of getting prissy in a comment about me not liking something you gush over. ( It's sad I even have to put these disclaimers here all the time. This should be common sense or simply unneeded. :') ) If you are able to ignore writing flaws and don't mind the lack of character introduction (for personalities), then give this a shot, otherwise you may wanna keep these things in mind that i noticed when giving this a chance: The art is okay, colours and character designs are pleasant and everybody gets 'equal effort', so to speak, when it comes to art detail instead of giving side characters the bare minimum of time when drawing them. Excluding bg chars, they are still stock assets. XD The base story is interesting but it is too basic and too little and simply is not being focused on as the base story (aka meeting a handsome stranger you wanna get involved with but then the story immediately ignores that and keeps going like a slice of life). Just as the character personalities. They come off as shallow and simple since we are not introduced to them properly, we just get thrown at them without any info. The little personality that they have is simple and nothing new (to a seasoned reader anyway) and they often come off as random, which may not be the character's fault but rather the writer's. Which brings me to the biggest fault here: The writing is half-assed in specific aspects. Within 4 chapters only, and I am merely talking about the start here, we had 2 or 3 moments that seemed to randomly jump or bring up things that did simply NOT happen before but the pages read as if they were connected to something. If it wasn't shown but the comic pretends it has happened, it simply comes off as random, is confusing as hell and can just ruin immersion greatly. Which is something that's simply not a good thing to do. I know some younger/less experienced readers may not care about this, but this is a huge writing fault which I hope the author learns to fix. I'm simply not interested after encountering this issue more than once, in such a short time and in so much as the start of the story. The supposed connection they suddenly had with talking and laughing never happened and it is too much to put on the reader. You need to enphasize emotions and make a connection clear. Otherwise the random boner moment he has in chapter 4 (which was VERY random) makes no sense to the reader even if it makes sense to you as the writer. Common rookie mistake but something very important to look out for when writing since this can be a make or break for readers. Especially when you ask for money per page, which most comics nowadays are. All in all I am simply not interested. There is too many issues and too little rewards for me personally. Again, younger/less experienced (with good writing) type of readers may not care about these things but seasoned readers with a standard for writing may very well be bothered by this. If at least the characters were interesting I could keep going and maybe endure the bad writing issues, but they are simply too basic and bland for that. I wouldn't per se say this is a bad read (maybe it gets better after a dozen or so chapters?), but it's not a good one in my book either due to the writing and lack of interest in the characters. I gave it 10/11 chapters but nothing changed my impression. Art isn't able to carry either so I suppose this depends on personal standards, preferences or simply how little you care about flaws being there/how well you can ignore them. Give it a try if these things may not bother you. Or if you think they can be ignored. Trying doesn't hurt after all.

The Unbeatable Gold-Hunter

Ongoing | Team agape | 2022 released
2024-07-24 15:41 marked

They entirely lost me with bringing that chi stuff in. As a sports rival comic I'd have read this, but not by bringing in magical powers and shit. It feels SO out of place and shoe-horned. Not to mention needless if you already have the sports aspect that could have been focused on. Especially since you don't need magic powers to shoot a fucking gun. So yeah, weird choice. And really not my thing. :/

The Return of the Ex-Wife

Ongoing | Candy soda , Jeongmin | 2022 released

The character logic of literally anyone in this is so bad that it makes me thing this was written by a literal teenager thinking they know how to write a cool, awesome and intrigue-filled plot. I just can't. It's so hilariously dumb that I'm both crying and laughing at the same time. X'D The art is okay but cannot carry. But the base storyline IS very interesting, which makes the shitty character logic even more of an eyesore. But then there is also the TONS of magical MAcGuyver/Mary Sue-ish moments that make the writing pretty bad. This could have been amazing with better writing, the core of the story is super nice. So I hope someone, someday makes a better copy-cat comic of this storyline. Would be nice. ╥﹏╥

Crimson Ocean

Ongoing | Ragnow | 2022 released

Alt title ideas: - Kinky Venom Cousin Politely Rapes/Breeds Crash-Landing Soldier Jokes aside tho, this is decent enough, even if the logic/dialogue and character behavior of the MC is absolute ass. The translations being not the greatest at times is also not helping but it doesn't change the weirdness of some parts in the 'story'. XD I expected dark bs with that kinda thumbnail. It's smut, which is essentially porn in comic form. And as such, this does a great job. So, don't try to find realism in this or complain about it and don't expect much of a story since sex is the only focus here. The MC is acting like any hentai protagonist and doesn't really act like a real person being surprise-bonked by a bellybutton-dicked 6-armed alien twice his height. Which makes the rape stomache-able and can function well as a self-insert for people with a kink ti get suprise-bonked or being done by a monster/beast of humanoid kind. The art is great, the character design decent and the base story good. It would have worked as a real story too tbh. I'd have liked that more than just fap material, but oh well. XD Would recommend for horny people with a rape and/or self-insert kink, but not for readers who look for something realistic or a real story.

The Fate of the Perennial Sub Male Lead Is in My Hands

Ongoing | | 2022 released

I hope nobody who thinks like the MC ever gets isekai'd. Bitch, you wanna speed-run to your own execution THAT badly? XD Seriously, at least think for half a second if or if not your behavior would have bad consequences. We are talking medieval-type settings for these, usually, so getting your ass thrown in jail, executed or being called a witch that now needs to be off'd would happen faster than you could realize. DO. NOT. DO. THIS. I think the idea is nice, and I am certain I have seen something similar before, but her 'reckless abandon' is cranked to 11 and makes it really dumb. The art is decent but cannot carry. It lacks that certain factor to bring across emotions well in specific ways, as someone mentioned before me. And I think the factor is that there is not enough difference shown in the entire face from one emotion to another. And that makes it a bit bland overall. Pair that with the silly writing/dumb character logic and it's not really a good outcome. Good for first timers maybe, but not for seasoned readers who are looking for grand writing and impressive art to immerse themselves in. Decent but not good. Tho If you can view it as a comedy piece (which then again, the comedy is not nearly strong enough for), then I guess it can work as a light read regardless. I would say; give it a try. Maybe you can enjoy it as a read inbetween serious comics. :)

Oh, the Flower That Bloomed on the Wall

Ongoing | | 2022 released

The story telling is hella confusing and seems to jump some important points, let alone have them in the correct order IF they get mentioned. It's not really interesting due to that and I do not bother with stories that fail at the intro already. Shame, since the art is really nice. :(


Ongoing | jaiya,naida, red ice | 2019 released

EDIT: Dropping this at ch 78. It got even more time skippish and everything is just rushed and focusing on random sudden things without finishing one aspect from before and it keeps adding thos OBNOXIOUS timeline skips even in the middle of conversations. This is just shitty writing now. It was alright till the first 'arc' final, which wasn't even an arc, it was just random tbh. I hope the novel is better because this comic is honestly very badly done. Wouldn't recommend other than looking at art and even that is lower mid-tier tbh. :/ I now reached chapter 75 and I really have to ask: Is the romance part in the original source ALSO this badly done as in the comic? Their relationship went from failed flirting attempts or just badly portrayed emotions to 'suddenly Imma confess and we both have bad reactions to it all'. This felt WAY out of order, too random and confusing to see unfold all of a sudden. If at least a few chapters beforehand she was constantly reminding us that she had deep emotions, then sure, but there was barely anything at all in those 75 chapters. I think you can count them on one hand even. And I mean where the emotions actually got portrayed well and visually and per context of the situation made a clear step forward in the romance aspect of things. Is the novel the same? Is there just as much of a lack of emotions being conveyed in their romance scenes? Because if not then I really have to wonder what the comic creators were doing. They put so much effort into literally every other little fart that's going on, but the basically second-place focus (the romance) isn't being done even mid-tier well. It's quite the disappointment considering the writing otherwise seems to be decent or great even. So this feels really strange to me. As if the author (novel OR comic, I dunno) just didn't give a shit about the romance part being portrayed well or at all even. The romance up to this point is SO badly done in the comic, it's as if it was shoehorned in so it's not only a slice of life/political drama story. Which I could totally see being a thing tbh, it has the plot for it anyway.

Steal My King Back

Ongoing | Island project, ying meng she | 2022 released

Hold Over You

Ongoing | Money , 머니 | 2024 released

Alright, surprisingly 6 chapters is enough to write a review for this on the basics. XD (A review means critique/negative things being mentioned, so you have been warned.) I'll refrain from mentioning the major lack of logic for the characters or on the author's side but I have to mention these things. While the artwork is impressive, the plot is horseshit. VERY interesting at it's core, but the way it's done is just really unappealing. And the art is quite frankly the only thing that can save it. If this had ugly or mid art, people would likely not be bothering with it. Not only do we start of with rape, basically (even if it WAS in a dream, they were both sentient and 'there'), we also have both characters entirely ignore the situation if we're honest. Emotions in general are being portrayed weirdly. Especially since the entire comic seems to not be able to decide whether it wants to be a light-hearted comedy piece or an actual mental issue portraying dark comic. It hits neither of those spots well and dangles in the middle. I really find the basic story interesting, as goddamn mentally defective as this karma from a past life is, but if this was at least done in a cohesive way (not dnagling in the middle of two genres) and maybe NOT start out with rape that's being ignored, it would be SO much better. At this point I am utterly uninterested, as pretty as the art is and as interesting as the base story is. I just hope someone will make a copy-cat story of this in a good way someday, because this is honestly not appealing unless you have some problems or can ignore aspects such as rape and issues like the dangling genre thing. Either is worrisome to me tbh. XD I will not ever recommend this. Not even the art can give this points, the issues with the writing are just too big.