This is the first time I have absolute ZERO interest in such a workplace dynamic story.
And I usually inhale these by default. So that's a bummer. :(
The seme was supposed to be a certain type of stoic guy but that somehow completely missed the mark in the appeal's department for me, the MC is generic and the workplace/job absolutely uninteresting or even unappealing. The job and happenings are simply not interesting enough for me to read dozens of pages or even chapters about regular work talk that has very little to do with setting up the characters for their dynamic or relationship. The first 7 chapters alone could have been heavily condensed and not lost any important detail for the actual story.
The workplace abuse by that one cunt SO early on in the story is also not really winning any appeal points. That was really a turn off when reading tbh. :/
It's just not interesting on any front to me. Which is a first for work romance lots, I absolutely love those usually. But this one is just yapping too much and too long about the job which could have been condensed into MUCh shorter chapters.
Not a fan of the drag and unappealing and very generic character personalities, but you give it a read and see if it might be your thing.
It's not necessarily bad, depending on your standard for good writing or personal preferences, but I honestly think it's not good either. Mid, sure. But maybe that's just me.
Give it a go and see for yourself.