The Essence Of A Perfect Marriage
Okay, at chapter 4 I'm really questioning whether it's the translation or really just the writing that makes this feel so bumpy, jumpy and a bit too rushed. The introduction of the marriage partner was lackluster either way, but I'm starting to wonder if this'll be worth bothering with any further... Conclusion: At chapter 7 I can confidentally say it's both. the translations suck AND the writing. Waste of time, really.
Oh! My Maid Master
Had hopes for this but the first chapter is already showing a lackluster and mediocre execution, at best I mean. It has a really 14-years-old-tumblr-author feel to it based on how the dialogue is written and how characters reason and react. It's not cringey but just...really making me loose all interest in anything that's happening o9r could be happening. (Doesn't seem to be the translations fault, btw.) It's fine to leave out some stuff but if you magically teleport a character and have her jump into a sentence that warrants a question/reaction from the bad guys being shown first really feels like you have no fucking idea what you're doing. All in all it feels like a cliche clusterfuck of shoujo story parts being taken by a kid and squiched into something that's supposed to be a story. All while the pacing is so fast and happenings so abrupt that you're just sitting there all like: WTF!? oh, okay...? What? How? erhm...yeah. It's not interesting, it's not enjoyable and the art can't safe it either. Hard pass. (And probably the first to accomplish that in one chapter, I believe.)
Office Romance Confidential
This story is nice and all, but here's how you can make it better: Tell white truck-kun to pay blonde boy a visit. NOW. FFS, he's the most obnoxious character I've seen in years. EDIT 1: I really kinda hope that chapter 20 has some language/translation barrier problems because...if he REALLY asked her to start dating (like, boyfriend-girlfriend stuff) and NOT dating as in a sense to making talking appointments then...this story just went from good to horseshit. Fingers crossed it was a language/translation thing. I really would hate to see this go downhill in the writing department...
I’m In Trouble Because My Husband Is So Cute
When You're Targeted by the Bully
Boring, as all hell. Both the formatting/layout of the pages and the storytelling make this SO unbelievably slow paced. Many things feel rushed too tho, others obnoxiously shoe-horned. It's just a mess. It's generally a story that's terribly predictable but tries to throw bits and pieces in to make it 'hip, quirky and unique!', like a teenager on Tumblr that copies others and hence...isn't special in the slightest but just a weirdo. You and I have seen this plot a million times, but most of the time it has been executed better. it's like the author cherry picked popular plot themes and threw them all together, trying desperately to make it work as a somewhat coherrent story's not really working. It's tedious and had me predict all happenings' outcomes as soon as they started. Which is just plain bad writing. For kids this might be a really good read, someone who doesn't know what all these cliche plot points will ultimately lead to and for someone that doesn't know what good writing is...but for anyone else? Spare yourself the pain. Not recommended, moving on.
18 Going On 25
This is another one of those stories in which you can tell the author has no idea what life is like. If you don't know how people AROUND amnesia patients would naturally act...don't write an amnesia plot. Please. It's so frustrating. Not only is the main character dumb but all others are dumb as well and noone behaves naturally. Instead of TALKING they all go "lol, figure this shit out yourself, bye!" and then get prissy when she cannot react/act in the way she previously would/should have. It's like reading a story written by a 12 year old that imagines what the rough concept of amnesia and time skips would be like in their ultimate sob-story self-insert tale. Obnoxious to read and even more obnoxious to imagine yourself as any character whithin this story. Spare yourself the tedious read. The concept was good but the execution is unbearable.
The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther