I'm A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just Too Cute!
Charming and the Beast
The plot is basic just like the characters. You're not introduced to the world at all and just constantly get things thrown at you out of the blue. The characters have barely any personality and aren't interesting enough to hold my interest. Just like the story itself. The art is on the lower end compared to most webtoons. Anatomy is funky at times and ugly in many shorts. I give them points for at least trying to draw the backgrounds and the horses themselves even, we rarely get to see that, but that's about all I can point out as good...which naturally isn't enough to keep me reading.
The Thorn That Pierces Me
Beware of the Villainess!
The art is lovely but that's about it. The MC has SUCH an obnoxious personality, wtf. The story seems to have some heavy feminazi tendencies because the male characters have literally only the vibes of: man bad, so man do random things that come across as trigger points for anyone that wants to find something to be angry at. There is so little logic to all of this that it baffles me tbh. And the fun thing is: Instead of being the nice person she SUPPOSEDLY WAS IN HER PREVIOUS LIFE, she acts like a dam fuckwit right about any second. What the actual hell. Wasn't the goal to NOT act like a villainess? Then why verbally attack your own father and brother as well as the crown prince (who seems to have the spine of an eel and the authority of a worm as well as the awareness of one..). This is a clusterfuck at best. The writing is bad and random at many times and the characters are nearly all obnoxious as hell. I'll nope the fuck outta this one, this is just unbearable unless you're one of those that think a female acting like a shithead towards males is 'good writing of a strong female lead' (words which have lost all meaning on this website by now for sure btw). I'm out. This was such a waste of time. FFS.
Love in Babylon